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JUL / AUG 2016


The Club’s bi-monthly magazine has been a wonderful source of information for thousands of

Members and their families for years. While the look has continued to evolve, old favorites such

as the latest Club news, event and program highlights, upcoming activities and the focus on

Member photos have all remained timeless. We hope you enjoy and benefit from this publication.

In our continuing efforts to go green and reduce paper wastage, we are planning to introduce a

digitized version of The Club magazine. This new digitized magazine will be different from the PDF

softcopies currently available on The Club’s website, and will be more interactive and intuitive.

The e-magazine will be accessible from all smart phones, tablets and desktops, and will be made

available to all Members via an email link as well as on our Club website.

We would appreciate greatly if you could let us know your preference as to how you’d like to

receive the magazine. Please write in to

if you’d like to opt out of receiving

printed hardcopies of The Club’s magazine once the e-magazine is launched.

Stay tuned for the launch date!