participation threaten the quality of research at
federal labs, the stature of US science on the global
stage, and agencies’ abilities to recruit and retain
the best and brightest researchers in their fields.
The letter, which was organized by the Ameri-
can Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS), can be read in its entirety at http://bit.
New Report Outlines Benefits
of US Investment in
Basic Research
On April 27, MIT released
The Future Post-
poned: Why Declining Investment in Basic Research
Threatens a US Innovation Deficit
, outlining the
negative impact the US’s decreased investment in
basic science is having on the economy. The report
notes that as other countries have increased their
investment in basic research, the percentage of the
US federal budget devoted to research and devel-
opment has fallen from around 10 percent in 1968
to less than 4 percent in 2015. The report was
prepared by a committee of MIT researchers and
research administrators.
To illustrate the effects, MIT faculty and research-
ers detail the specific impacts within their field and
highlight the opportunities that could help the
economy and benefit society.
“Although the benefit of any particular scientific
endeavor is unpredictable, there is no doubt that
investing in basic research has always paid off over
Marc Kastner
, a Professor of physics at MIT
and president of the Science Philanthropy Alli-
ance, said during a press conference in Washing-
ton, DC, where the report was unveiled. “Econo-
mists tell us that past investments in research and
development account for a large fraction of our
current GDP, and even if the future payoffs are
not as large, there is no doubt that we will suffer
if we do not keep up with those nations that
are now making bigger investments than we are.”
The report focuses on research in biology that
could lead to tackling the threat of antibiotic- re-
sistant bacteria, in neurobiology and aging that
could lead to a better understanding and new
treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, and in synthetic
biology that could lead to customized treatments
for genetic disease or climate-friendly fuels.
The report is available in its entirety at http://
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