Triumphant at 2016 SAICE & SAFCEC National Awards
Projects of
Royal HaskoningDHV
came out triumphant once again
at the SouthAfrican Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) & South
African Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors (SAFCEC) An-
nual National Awards held at Emperor’s Palace on the 13th October,
winning 4 awards in theTechnical Excellence,Water Engineering and
Community based Projects categories.
In the category for Technical Excellence the Ashley Drive Break
Pressure Tank project for eThekwini Department of Water & Sanita-
tion received a commendation while the Ingula Pumped Storage
Scheme for Eskomwas announced as the overall winner. The Ingula
Pumped Storage Scheme was also the winner in theWater Engineer-
ing Division category. The Hlambanyathi Development Project for
the Department of Transport received a Commendation in the Com-
munity based projects category. The SAICE & SAFCEC Awards are
held annually to honour individuals, projects, community-oriented
initiatives as well as various institutional departments of SAICE
and SAFCEC. The annual awards function gives these companies,
individuals and departments a unique opportunity to showcase
their deserving projects and work to the Civil Engineering industry.
Enquiries: Kizito Lundu. Email
Kizito.Lundu@rhdhv.comReinvent... to beat economic pressures
To maintain its position and competitive edge as one of South Af-
rica’s leading players in sheet metal manufacture, the management
team of
World Power Products
recently completed an inspiring
three-year journey of transformation. Director Jan Görtzen explains:
“To effectively meet tough economic pressures and industry chal-
lenges we reinvented ourselves by analysing every aspect of the
business and identifying what processes could be streamlined,
where we could work smarter and improve efficiencies and where
we could save time and money so that we could offer our custom-
ers the best value for their money. We continue to deal with every
uphill head on and while some challenges have been tough, we
have embraced them and implemented them carefully and intel-
ligently making sure that it is to the advantage of the company to
ensure a future for all our employees. When we see opportunities
we seize them.” Employee training and up-
skilling are high on the company’s priority
list and Görtzen confirms that empowering
employees to work smarter and safer has a
direct and positive impact on the company’s
productivity. “A confident worker is a safe
worker and produces high quality work.”
Enquiries: Samantha Hedley.
November ‘16