Young, creative and energetic
The best time of year for the Electricity+Control team
is when the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists takes
place. This year, it took place at the Birchwood Confer-
ence Centre in Boksburg in early October. The Expo is
a Science Fair, where students have a chance to display
and discuss their explorations. Students discuss their
work with judges, teachers and students from other
schools, with parents and with other interested people.
By participating, students increase their awareness of
the wonders of Science and Engineering.
Enquiries: Email
admin@exposcience.co.zaLeo Dlamini, Acting Group Executive:
Transmission and Sustainability,
Eskom; SA Tlhabane, Chief Director,
Department of Basic Education;
Pieter Pretorius, Chairman of the
Board Directors, Eskom Expo for
Young Scientists; Ian Jandrell,
Dean of Engineering and the
Built Environment, Wits; Bersan
Lesch, Deputy Director: Science
Promotion, Department of Science
and Technology (Deputy Chairman,
Eskom Expo for Young Scientists);
Nto Rikhotso, Eskom Media Desk
Manager; Freddy Ndou, Divisional
Executive, Office of the Group Chief
Executive, Eskom.
Ken Nixon (Expo judge) and
Andries Tshabalala (Group Executive Director, ACTOM).
Bahia Ismail. Sensor controlled irrigation.
Carel Greyling, Ban wind erosion: With PAM you CAN.
November ‘16