Men are prohibited from wearing sleeveless shirts, cut-offs, jeans or Tennis
Members must register all guests (including immediate family guests of any
age) in the Pro Shop and present the registration receipt to the starter before
starting play.
Other than shotguns, all play must begin from the first or tenth tees unless
specific exemption is granted by the starter or Professional Staff.
No groups may be comprised of more than four (4) players.
Each player must use his/her own golf bag; two (2) or more players are not
permitted to play from one bag.
Practicing of any kind is prohibited on the golf course except when taking a
lesson from one of our professionals.
Jogging, running, biking on paved paths and walking is permitted on the golf
course only from sunrise to 7:30 a.m. Care must be exercised to avoid golf
maintenance vehicles and golf carts which have priority use of cart paths at
that time. All should be aware that cart paths may have sharp turns, ruts, and
debris and may be wet. They should be used with caution.
No motor scooters, roller blades, roller skates, baby carriages, strollers, or
skate boards are allowed on the golf course or the practice facilities
(including paved paths and golf cart staging area), at any time.
If the lightning warning system is sounded, players
leave the courses
and practice area immediately and only return when the “all clear” signal has
been given. At all times, players should be aware of lightning danger and
exercise good judgment for their protection even if the warning system has
not sounded.
Starting Times
The Director of Golf or Head Professional have the responsibility for starting
times on both courses and will generally delegate his authority to the starter.
The first available starting time is 7:30 a.m. unless otherwise authorized by
the Director of Golf or Head Professional.
In season, starting times may be requested from 3 to 14 days before the
desired playing date by either using the automated telephone system, the
touch screen in the Pro Shop, sign-up cards or Internet Link on the
Frenchman’s Creek Website. Times will be assigned by computer to ensure
fair treatment of all. After times are posted, members may check with the
starter for availability of any unassigned times.
Twosomes and threesomes may register for starting times with the
understanding that the starter is authorized to fill in a threesome with a single
and a twosome with a single or another twosome. In season, twosomes will
only be assigned starting times after foursomes and threesomes have teed off.
Off-season, twosomes enjoy equal starting times with threesomes and/or