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Page Background

Current Part 1

Interference testing 

(false negatives)

Cross‐reactivity testing 

(false positives)

Proposed revisions in 

Part 2

Soil testing for robustness 

against potential interferants

Soil testing for assay specificity

Reason 1: Soil testing aligns directly with

Part 1

Soil testing for interferants and cross‐

reactivity fits much better in Part 1 vs Part 2 

on DNA testing


Reason 2: Soil testing should apply to all


Soil testing is relevant for non‐nucleic acid analytical 

technologies (e.g., protein detection).

Current SMPRs for proteins omit Part 2 of the 

Environmental Panel (e.g., SMPR 2016.011 for 

Botulinum neurotoxins A1 and A2).

The introductory paragraph for the panel currently 


“Part 2 is not applicable to techniques that 

do not detect nucleic acid.”

Moving soil testing to Part 1 would enable soil testing 

to apply to all SMPRs, regardless of analytical 
