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“I wanted to say what a fantastic morning

we have all had. The pupils are buzzing

and are wearing their Readers Make

Leaders t-shirts with pride”

Teacher, Orchard Meadow Primary

In reply:

“My sentiments exactly! It was a really

lovely morning and our students got so

much out of it”.

Ashley Young, MCS.

It also created space for members of staff

from all schools to explore other ways that

partnerships and initiatives could be

developed to encourage opportunity for all.

There continued to be commitment to

charitable activity. Three charities were

selected by prefects and presented in a

school assembly. This was followed by

an invitation for all members of the

St Edward’s community to vote. The charity

chosen was SeeSaw. The charity works to

support children and young people and

their families who experience bereavement.

Fundraising was supported and sustained

by members of the Upper Sixth and notable

individuals in the Fourth and Fifth Form.

It is good to see their compassion and

service have space to flourish.

SeeSaw have also secured additional funds

as a result of St Edward’s support. Through

the networking and awareness raising at

various events they were successful in

securing a significant three-year grant from

the Rank Foundation. Helen Mackinnon,

Director of SeeSaw, writes “Our relationship

with Teddies has been so positive and as their

Charity of the Year, they have raised over

£34,000 for us - incredible. In all, Teddies

has raised nearly £100,000 through direct

and indirect means”. In addition over

£15,000 has been raised for other charities.

Again, this has been through both staff and

pupil-led initiatives.

Elsewhere, I worked with a group of

Fifth Form pupils in a group called ‘be the

change’. The intention was to give them an

opportunity to be cultural architects in their

community and wider world. They decided

they wanted to be the change in their year

group. They wanted to challenge and

change the social dynamic by breaking

down barriers between different groups of

pupils. They designed and developed ideas

for a Fifth Form ‘be the change’ dinner.

At an individual level Sixth Former Joe

Percy responded to a Chapel Service by

applying for a £1,000 grant from Reverend

Andrew Greaves to initiate a charity project

in Palestine. Open Goal uses the universal

language of football to offer children an

alternative to conflict and occupation. He

subsequently developed links with refugee

camps following a school assembly talk from

Computer Aid International. Joe also

trained as a Good Lad facilitator.