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Say, why d id Time his glass sublime

F ill u p with sand unsigh tly

\.Yhen wine, he knew, runs bris ker thro ugh ,

And sparkles far more brightly


May your shadow never grow Jess.

H ere 's to the moneyless ma n crushed with sorrow

a nd pain.

Ma y he t hink o f th e barman when his star ri ses


For a ' th a t a nd a' that,

It 's coming yet fo r a' t hat,

That ma n to ma n, th e world o 'er,

Sha ll brithers be for a' th a t.

For me,

I' m

woman's slave confessed

\Vithout her, hopeless a nd un blcssec.I.

Here 's to a bottle a nd a n honest friend


wha t

wad y e wish fo r ma ir, ma n?

vVha kens, before his life may end , wha t his share

may be of care, man


Then catch the moments as they fly , a nd use them

as ye ought, ma n;

Believe me, happiness is shy , a nd comes not aye

when sought, man.

Here's t o you , as good as you a re;

And h ere's to me, as bad as


a m .

But as good as yo u are, and as ba d as


am :


as good as you are, as bad as


am .