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Bar-keeper's Toast.

Tru st bust.

Toast to Publishers.

H ere 's to the ma n who dissemin ates bra ins ;

When the qua li ty 's bad it's t he de,· il who gains.

Toast to the Prohibitionist.

H ere 's to our countryman,

Exceedingly pious ;

H e can't swa llow stra ight goods ;

His mouth's cut on the bias.

Drink to a fa ir woman who I think is mos t

entitled to it, for if an ything ever can dri ve me to

drink, she certainl y can do it.

H ere's t o a lon g life, and may you li ve a

thousa nd years and I a thousan d years less one

d ay, for I would no t care to li ve a fter yo u had

p assed away.

Frien d of m y soul , this goblet sip,

'Twill chase the pensive tear.

'Tis not so sweet as woman 's lip,

B ut oh, 'Tis more sincere .

Drink, for yon know not when ce you came nor

why . Drink, for yo u know no t wh y you go nor

when ce .

Fill the bumper fair,

E very drop we sprinkle


the brow of care

Smoo ths away a wrinkle .