Then to this Flowing Bowl did I a dj o urn,
My lips the secret well of life to learn;
And lip to lip it murmur'd " V\lhile you
li ve,
Drink! fo r once dead , y ou never s ha ll return ."
- Oma r l\:h ayyam .
Happy days .
Set them up again.
H ere's loo king at you.
Drink hearty .
Ne ver
min d the knockers ;
Go a head a nd ma ke your play ;
They're in every worker 's way.
Ne ver
mind the knockers.
one who see ks to shine,
s uccessful, t hey ma li gn ;
'Tis of fame a certa in sign.
N ever
mind the knockers.
They strike only those who climb ;
Never mind the knockers.
'Tis success they deem a crime,
Never m ind the knockers.
they h ammer a t your n ame
Then be sure yo u 're in the game.
'Tis a species of accla im.
Never mind the knockers.
H ere 's to your health ,
Let's have a nip.