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330. White Lady Cocktail.


B ra ndy ,


Crcme de i\lenthe ,


Co intreau .

Sh ake \\'e; ll an d s tra in.

331. \Vhite Rose Cocktail.

\ Vh ite o f E gg , o ne g lass of G in, one glass of

Kir:;d1, and acid a t easpoonful o f Gomme Syrup .



j olumi 's B ar, R ue P ort-Maho11,

P aris .)

332. Whoopee Cocktail.

In a wineglass one small glass Curac;:ao, one small

glass Cognac ; fill bala nce "·it h Cha m pagne, squeeze

lemon peel on top.

333. Woon Fizz.

One glass o f N icholson's Gin, Juice o f one

L emon,


t easpoonful of Castor Sugar, t wo dash es

of Anis de! O,;o . Shake wel l, st rain into med ium

s ized w ineg lass a nd fill u p " ·ith syphon .

(Not e

.- A

favourite be;verage of the la te Sa rah

Bernhard t.)

334. Xanthia Cocktail.

:} Cherry B ra ndy ,


Ye llow Cha r treuse, :} G in.

Sha ke well a nd strain into cockta il glass .

335. Xeres Cocktail.

r clash o f Orange B itt ers , r dash of Peach B itters ,

r dash of Gomme Syrup , r g lass of D r y Sherry.

336. Yale Cocktail.

3 d ashes O ra n ge B itters , r d ash Angostura

B itter:; , r gla,;s o f G in.

Sha ke we ll, stra in in to med ium -sized wine –

g lass , add a squirt of syphon , lemon pee l squeezed

on top .



