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September 2016


Shanta Gold, listed on AIM, has announced

an upgraded JORC Code compliant (2012)

resource estimate at the Ilunga satel-

lite deposit at the New Luika Gold Mine

(NLGM) located in the Lupa goldfield of

south-west Tanzania. Ilunga is located

2,5 km north-east of the NLGM central

processing facility with access already

developed as part of the current open-pit

mining operation.

Indicated resources have increased

by 409 % from 40 352 ounces Au to

205 347 oz Au in the upgraded esti-

mate while the indicated resource

tonnage has increased 336 % from

311 355 tonnes to 1,36 Mt. The indi-

Big increase in satellite deposit resource at New Luika

cated resource gold grade has risen

17 % from 4,03 g/t to 4,71 g/t.

Total Ilunga resources (indicated and

inferred categories) have been upgraded

from 73 940 oz at 3,51 g/t to 257 965 oz at

4,55 g/t.

The updated resource will be fast-

tracked for engineering studies with a

view to defining an underground reserve

during the first quarter of 2017. The under-

ground material from Ilunga was not

included within the Base Case Mine Plan,

reported by Shanta in September 2015,

and the company will work to incorporate

these resources into the mine plan in due

course. The deposit remains open at depth

The New Luika property showing the location of the satellite deposits, including Ilunga.

and along strike to the west.

The Ilunga drilling programme

was conducted between March

and July 2016 and comprised 29

new drill holes of which one was

diamond from surface, 20 were

reverse circulation with diamond

tails and eight were reverse circu-

lation. Diamond drilling totalled

1 844 m and reverse circulation

was 3 672 m for a total of 5 516 m.

“We are delighted with the

upgraded resource figures

from Ilunga,” comments Toby

Bradbury, Shanta’s CEO. “The

deposit is a good grade, close to

the plant and is likely to contrib-

ute to a meaningful increase in

the mining reserve which in turn

enhances shareholder value. We expect

that the majority of the Ilunga ounces

will form part of a new high grade under-

ground operation that would start as the

Luika deposit is depleted in around 2020.

“At this stage, the company envisages

developing Ilunga using cash generated

from operations and to utilise existing

equipment and personnel to take the new

development in its stride. The potential

of this high grade extension creates the

option to blend with, among others, the

upgraded Elizabeth Hill reserve declared

earlier this year and thus extend the mine

life by a number of years with a lot more

prospective exploration still in play.”

Perseus reports two further growth milestones

West African gold producer Perseus

Mining, listed on the ASX and TSX, reports

that two further milestones have been

achieved on the path to implementing its

strategy of transforming itself into a multi-

jurisdictional, multi-mine producer of in

excess of 500 000 ounces of gold per year

by 2021.

Full credit committee approval of

a US$60 million project debt facility

has been received by Macquarie Bank

Limited and BNP Paribas, the prospective

lenders to the Sissingué project. Final doc-

umentation and satisfaction of conditions

precedent for the facilities are due for

completion in the December 2016 quarter,

at which time funds should be available

for draw down.

Sissingué is located in northern Côte

d’Ivoire. It is planned to have an aver-

age annual production of 75 000 ounces

of gold at a LOM All-In Site Cost (AISC) of

US$632 per ounce over a mine life of 5,25

years. Payback on the US$100 million capex

is estimated within 32 months based on a

US$1 200 per ounce gold price.

Development work at the Sissingué

site, funded from the proceeds of a recent

equity offering by Perseus, has advanced

and the project is on schedule for the pro-

duction of first gold in the December 2017


In anticipation of the expansion of its

operating activities to include both the

Edikan gold mine in Ghana and Sissingué

by the end of 2017, and with the prospect

of developing a third mine at Yaouré within

several years, Perseus has appointed Chris

Woodall to the role of Chief Operating


He is an Australian mining professional

who comes to Perseus equipped with a

large amount of highly relevant operating

experience needed to successfully perform

the COO role for Perseus. He most recently

held the positions of Senior Vice President

Operations (Canada and US) for Goldcorp

Inc and immediately prior to that the role

of Global Director Mining – Operations

Support for Barrick Gold Corporation.

Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer,

Woodall will be based in Perseus’s corporate

office in Perth, Australia but will necessarily

spend a significant proportion of his time

in West Africa overseeing the growth of

Perseus’s gold mining operations.