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September 2016





he Cape Town event is only the

second to have been hosted by

South Africa. “The first Interna-

tional Geological Congress took

place in 1878 but it wasn’t until

1929 that South Africa was given the oppor-

tunity to play host,” said Viljoen. “The venue

for this was Pretoria and the congress attracted

a very good turnout of around 500 delegates,

probably reflecting the intense interest at the

time in the Bushveld Complex and South Af-

rica’s platinum resources, with the Merensky

Reef having been discovered just several years

before. The only other IGC to have been held

on the African continent prior to the current

one was hosted by Algeria in 1952.”

As is the case with the Olympic Games and

Soccer Word Cups, countries have to bid for the

privilege of hosting the IGC, which is held on a

four-yearly cycle. “Our bid was adjudged to be

the best at the Oslo IGC in Norway in 2008 and

four years later when the Congress was held in

Brisbane, Australia, we were handed the ‘World

Cup of Geosciences’. This is an actual physical

cup and is an innovation by the Australians –

in future, each host country will pass the cup

on to the next country to play host.”

Viljoen added that the next IGC would be

held in Delhi, India, in March 2020. During

the Cape Town event, four countries (Russia,

Germany, Korea and Turkey) presented bids to

host the 2024 congress (37th IGC). The bid was

won by Korea with the Congress to take place

in the city of Busan.

Viljoen became involved in the planning of

the 35th IGC around seven years ago. “Since

then, it’s been really hard work – not just for me,

of course, but also my Co-President, Jeannette

McGill, who is, incidentally, the current

President of the Geological Society of South

Africa, our Secretary-General, Greg Botha,

who is from the Council for Geoscience, and

all the very committed members of the Local

Organising Committee. The scale of the task we

were presented with can be gauged from the

fact that we have over 2 900 oral presentations

being given at the Congress, as well as 1 700

poster presentations. We also have no less than

44 keynote addresses. To accommodate all the

Cape Town hosts successful


Pictured here at the 35th

IGC are (from left) Professor

Phuti Ngoepe (Chairman of

the Board – Council for Geo-

science), Dr Richard Viljoen

(Co-President of the 35th

IGC), Minister Mosebenzi

Zwane, Dr Jeannette McGill

(Co-President of the 35th

IGC) and Simon Sikhosana

(Acting CEO – Council for


The recent 35th International Geological Congress

(35th IGC) held at the Cape Town International Convention

Centre was a huge success, attracting approximately 4 000

delegates from 117 countries. Years of preparation went

into the event – considered the ‘World Cup of Geosciences’

– with one of the key figures involved in the planning being

well-known South African geologist Richard Viljoen, who

acted as Co-President of the Local Organising Committee


Modern Mining’s

Arthur Tassell spoke to him on the

opening day of the Congress.