the laege peael.
essential points, or degrees, in boiling sugar. Tliev are
called Small Theead, Large Thread, LmxE
Large Pear^The Blow,The Feather,The Ball,The
Ceack,The Caeamel.
10. The Small Thread.
The sugar being clarified, put it on the fire, and after
boiling a few moments,gently dip the top of your fore
fingerintothe syi-up, and apply it to your thumb,when on
separatingthem immediately,the sugarforms a finethread
^hich will break at'a short distance, and remain as a drop
on the finger and thumb. This is termed the"SmaU
11. The Large Thread.
Boila little longer, and again dip the forefinger into the
syrup, and apply it to the ball of the thumb. This time a
somewhat longer string will be di-awn. This is termed
the "Large Thread."
12. The Little Pearl.
This is when you separate the thumb and finger, and
the fine thread reaches, without breaking,from one to the
13. The Large Pearl.
When the finger and thumb are spread as far as possi-
ble, without the thread being broken, it is termed the
TD 1„ A
AO IB teimea tne
i.arge Pearl. Another sign, also,is sometimes shown,by
the boiling syrup exhibiting bubbles on the surface. But
tins should be considered more as a hint than as a rule for