usually mixed and kejit in a bottle, and a wine-glassful
is used to each tumbler ofTom and Jerry.
N". B.—A tea-spoonful of cream of tartar, or about as
much carbonate ofsoda as you can geton a dime,will pre
vent the sugar from settling to the bottom ofthe mixture.
This drink is sometimes called Copenhagen, and some
times Jerry Thomas.
175. "Wliite Tiger's Milk.
(From recipe In the possession of Thomas Bonn English,Esq.)
L gUl apple-jack.
L do. peach brandy."
L teaspoonful of aromatic tincture.*
Sweeten with white sugar to taste.
The white of an egg beaten to a stilF foam.
I quart of pure milk.
Pour in the mixed liquors to the milk, stirring all the
white till all is well mixed, then sprinkle with nutmeg.
The above recipe is sufficient to make a full quart of
"white tiger's milk if more is wanted,you can increase
the above proportions. If you want to ijrepare this bev
erage for a party of twenty,use one gallon of milk to one
pint of apple-jack, &c.
176. "White Lion.
(Use small bar glass.)
II teaspoonful of pulverized white sugar.
1 a lime (squeeze out juice and put rind in glass).
1 wine-glass Santa Cruz rum.
1 teaspoonful of Cura9oa.
1 do. raspberry syrup.
* Aromaiic Tincture.—^Take of ginger, cinnamon, orange peel, each
one ounce; valerian half an ounce, alcohol two quarts, macerate in a
close vessel for fourteen days, then filter through unsized paper.