sary to describe the raAy materials generally used in mace
rating and distilling. Such a description wonld only un-'
necessaiily enlaige the work,thereby increasing the price,
with hut little or no advantage to the reader. A Avell in
formed and practical druggist will at once he able to
understand, and properly furnish, the articles contained in
each recipe.
Tlie first to he described arethe ManufacturingInstru
mentsffor without these nothing can he etfected. The
an-angements and preparations of the articles described in
this work, do not contemplate an expensive and costly ap
paratus,neyei'theless the author recommends that the best
materials and most substantial instruments should he pro
vided, by reason of their durability, and the certainty of
obtaining in its perfection a good product.
The instruments deemed indispensable in the process of
distilling are as follows:—first, a furnace; second, two
boilers oftinned copper; third, a copper skimmer; fourth,
a few filter-hags, filtering-holders, and a percolator; fifth,
tubs and pails for various uses; sixth, measures from one
gallon to that ofthe smallest; seventh,weights and scales;
eighth, areometer; ninth, funnels; tenth, alcohol lamps,
with tinned dishes for diiferent colors of bottle wax;
eleventh, a cork-press and syphon; twelfth, easks, demi
johns, bottles.
Those who wish to engage in this business on a large
scale, would do well to purchase a brass mortar; one of
iron would often change the color of the material; one of
stone is required for the preparation of syrup of orgeat.
Sieves must also he provided for separating the coarse pow-
dei'ed materials from the fine,and a large knife for cutting
and preparing roots, etc., etc., for the powdered state.
Necessary Preparations.—There should always be on
hand, well clarified white and brown sugar syruj^s, put up