Put in a tureen the yolks of twelve
eggs, one pound of
pulverized sugar, a small t easpoonful of powdered cinnamon,
a nd a little grated nutmeg; place the tureen on ice ; beat the
yolks t o foam, a nd add, while beating, one pint of kirschwasser
and three pints of sweet cream; beat the mixture for a nother
quarter of an hour, strain through a sieve, and serve in glasses.
Infuse a stick of vanilla in one quart of boiling milk ; strain
the milk, a dd six ounces of sugar and one quart of sweet cream:
let this boil up once more ; stir into it the yolks of five or six eggs;
let the fluid get cool, and a dd one pint of Santa Cruz rum.
350. <ff'gg--:-N
Beat well the yolks of four eggs in a tureen \vith six ounces
of powdered sugar; add g radually one pint of fine brandy,
one-fifth of a pint of Santa Cruz rum, one pony of maraschino ,
and two quarts of milk; beat the whites of the eggs till they as–
sume a light, snowy appearance, a nd sweeten with a little vanilla
or lemon sugar; let the whites float on top of the mixture ; put
it on ice, and serve cold.
C!fgg 1JlnndJ.
Take one bottle of Rhin e wine, the juice of two lemons and
their peel rubbed on six ounces of lump-sugar, ten eggs, a nd
nine ounces of pulverized sugar; sti r all well ; place the pot in a
vessel partly filled with bo iling water, beat the mixture to a thick
foam, a nd add finally half a pint of warmed arrack.