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On seven ounces of sugar rub the peel of two
and of
two bitter oranges; put in a tureen with the juice of the fruits;
let it stand for half an hour; add one cup of boiling water, and
stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add one pint of green tea, half
a pint of pineapple syrup, a wineglassful of maraschino, four
t ablespoon fuls of the best arrack, one pint of brandy, and a bot.
tie of champagne; mix all, put on ice, and serve.
Heat one quart of white beer with a little stick of cinnamon,
add a spoonful of corn.starch dissolved in wine; stir rapidly;
add half a bottle of Rhine wine, six ounces of sugar, and the juice
of half a lemon; heat all once more to the boiling·point; beat the
yolks of four eggs with it; sweeten with one pound of sugar on
which you have previously rubbed off the rind of half a lemon;
add a pony of maraschino, and serve in cups.
Heat two quarts of white beer, beat in it the yolks of six eggs;
add three.fourths pound of sugar, on which you have rubbed
the rind of half a lemon, and half a bottle of white wine; heat the
mixture again, while continually beating, but do not let it boil,
add half a wineglassful of maraschino, and the juice of a lemon;
serve very foamy in cups.
Peel the rind of a large lemon very thin, put it with a t able–
spoonful of the juice of a lemon in a tureen, add two tablespoon.
fuls of powdered sugar, and one pint of cold water, and let it
stand for half an hour; afterward add half a pint of the best
Holla nd gin, a wineglassful of maraschino, three or four lumps o/
ice, two bottles of plain soda, and serve at once.