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Corporate governance and capital


Legal Information



Registration Document 2016



Provisions of the Articles of Association



13, 14 and 15 of the Articles of Association)

Members of the Board of Directors

The Company is managed by a Board of Directors composed of a

Shareholders. The Board of Directors will be renewed annually

that are appointed by the Ordinary General Meeting of

minimum of three members and a maximum of twelve members

Directors over the age of 70 must not be greater than one third

Directors is three years. The number of members of the Board of

the members of the Board of Directors. The term of office of the

by rotation in such a way as to allow a rotation of one third of

employee shareholders).

(this rule however does not apply to the Director representing

least 500 Company shares during the term of his or her office

of the total serving members. Each Director is required to own at

Chairman (article

21 of the Articles of Association)

The Board of Directors elects a Chairman from among its

members. The Chairman represents the Board of Directors. He

particular, that the Directors are able to carry out their

functioning of the Company’s bodies and makes sure, in

at General Meetings of Shareholders. He oversees the proper

organizes and directs the Board’s activities, on which he reports



23 of the Articles of Association)

Chief Executive Officer

to the General Meetings of shareholders or the Board of

and the Internal Rules of the Board of Directors expressly assign

Company’s purpose and what the law, the Articles of Association

the Company. He exercises these powers within the limits of the

its relationship with third parties.

Directors. The Chief Executive Officer represents the Company in

the broadest powers to act in all circumstances in the name of

title of Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer has

an individual appointed by the Board of Directors who has the

Pursuant to the choice made by the Board of Directors, the

general management is handled either by the Chairman, or by

Notices to attend Boardmeetings and decisions of the


Board of Directors (article

18 of the Articles of

meeting in order to handle the specific matters included on the

of the Directors are empowered to ask the Chairman to call a

meeting has been called for over two months, at least one third

Board meetings is sent to Directors by the Chairman. If no Board

the Chairman to call a Board meeting in order to discuss specific

agenda. The Chief Executive Officer is also empowered to ask

interest demands and at least every three months. Notice of

The Board of Directors convenes as often as the Company’s

matters included on the agenda. Decisions are taken by majority

the voting, the Chairman has a casting vote.

of the members present or represented. In the event of a tie in


17 of the Articles of Association)

Powers of the Board of Directors

the exception of powers expressly assigned to General Meetings

Company’s business and monitors their implementation. With

The Board of Directors determines the orientations of the

of Shareholders and within the limits of the Company’s purpose,

Company and settles matters through its deliberations. The

it handles all matters involving the proper functioning of the

Board of Directors.

indicating the decisions which require a prior authorization of the

Officer’s powers, where required, in its internal rules, by

Board of Directors sets the limitation of the Chief Executive


25 of the Articles of Association)

Related-party agreements

responsible partner, manager, Director, member of the

one of the Directors of the Company is an owner, indefinitely

Executive Officer, one of the Deputy Chief Executive Officers or

voting rights greater than 10% or, if it is a Company

Directors or one of its shareholders holding a fraction of the

Officer, one of its Deputy Chief Executive Officers, any of its

between the Company and another company, if the Chief

the prior authorization of the Board of Directors. Agreements

article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code, must receive

shareholder, the Company that controls it in the meaning of

articles L. 225-1 and L. 226-1 of the Commercial Code.

operations that are concluded under normal conditions nor to

approval does not apply to agreements covering standard

company, are also subject to prior authorization. Such prior

Supervisory Board or, in general, a senior manager of this

to meet the requirements of article 1832 of the Civil Code or

deducting, if applicable, the minimum number of shares required

directly or indirectly, the entire share capital of the other, after

those entered into by two companies where one of them holds,

intermediary) between the Company and its Chief Executive

Any agreement entered into (directly, indirectly or through an

Directors’ compensation


20 of the Articles of Association)

Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may in particular

determined by the General Meeting, is freely allocated by the

fees, a compensation, the aggregate amount of which, as

The members of the Board of Directors may receive as Directors’


allocate a greater share to the Directors who are members of the