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Thorvaldsen's Museum ,

situate behind the

R oyal O hap el, with a large open space in front

extending to the Stormbro.

It w as raised partly

by voluntary contributions, partly by a grant from

the Municipal fund.

The architect was Mr.



Inspector of B uildings, whose plan was

approved by the great Sculptor himself.


building was commenced in the year



from various obstacles and impedim ents, w as not

finally completed till the year


It is in the

Egyptian style o f Architecture,


feet in length,


feet in breadth,


feet in height, and consists

o f two stories. In the centre of the building is an

open court,


ft. long and


ft. broad, which

contains the Artist’s tomb.

In the front hall,

corridor, and ap artm en ts, on the ground or first

story, are placed the works o f the Sculptor, and,

on the story above, his collections.

The outer

walls are decorated on both sides w ith Tuscan

Paintings in p la ster, descriptive o f Thorvaldsen’s

arrival at the T oldb od , and the importation o f his

works. On the summ it o f the front and principal

entrance, stands the Chariot o f V ictory drawn by

four horses, executed in bronze from a model by

B issen.

The front hall, corridors, and apartments, are

painted in the Pompeiian style with brilliant colors,

while the decorations are executed w ith so great