building in Dronningenstvergade. The Collection is
divided into two principal p a rts: The first comprises
articles from Greenland, Labrador, Australia, Nicobar
islands, South America, L apland, Canada, Coast o f
Guinea, Caffreland, Borneo, Peru, B r a zils, Japan,
C h in a: ' The second embraces the large collections
from both the Indies, A sia, and Turkey, all sy s
tematically arranged according to the degree o f
improvement and civilization in which these nations
stand to each other.
This Collection received a
valuable addition on the return o f the Corvette,
Galathsea, from her voyage round the world in the
years 1 8 4 5— 47.
A visit to this Museum w ill be found both
interesting and instructive.
The Museum is op en , gratis, from 1st. Novr.
to 1st. M a y , every Sunday from 12— 2 o’clock.
From 1st. May to 1st. Novr. every Saturday from
12— 2 o’clock; and from 1st. April to 1st. Novr.
every W ednesday from 5— 7 o’clock.
From 1st.
Novr. to 1st. Jan. every W ednesday from 1 0— 2
o ’clock.
Det Kongelige Kunstmuseum , The Roya l
Museum o f A r t
, which also comprises part o f
the above mentioned Chamber o f Art, and, like the
preceding, has found a resting place in Prindsens
P a la i, is not yet accessible to the p u b lic , the ar