The Cabinet is op en , gratis, to students, and
sucli as are desirous o f inspecting the collection for
artistic and scientific p u rp o ses, every Monday,
W ednesday, and F rid a y , from 12— 3 o’clock. For
the public it is in general open, also g r a tis, from
1st. May to 1st. Novr. every Monday from 1 2— 2
o’clock: An application, h ow ever, for adm ission on
the other days w ill, no doubt, meet w ith success.
O f the other public Collections and ''lions,”
such as Rosenborg P alace, Notre Dam e, St. Sa
viours Church, Botanical Garden, the Statuary Hall
o f the Academy of Arts «fee., reference must be
made to their respective places in this book.