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he w ill, notw ithstand ing th a t tra d itio n , to g ratify

the im agination, preten ds to p o in t out the spots, be

sadly d isappo in ted.

T h ey n ever existed, and only

can exist " in the m in d ’s eye.”

In fa ct, as said

b e fo re , H am let’s identification w ith E lsinore an d

these G arden s is b u t a S h ak sp erian fiction.

" ’T is

tru e, an d p ity ’t is ’t is tru e” " th e spell o f this

pro tracted dream should b re ak .”

E lsin o re is a b o u t 26 m iles from C openhagen,

for w hich p la c e ,

during the S um m er m onths,

S team b o ats leave twice a -d a y :

"O p h elia ,” 7 a. m.

"H am le t,”


p. m.

Calling at Humlebek, Rongsted, Vedbek, and Bellevue.

Consuls for m ost nations reside here.

B ritish Consul, (for D enm ark) B ridges T aylor,

E sq r.

V ice-C onsul, W . R. L arlh am , E sqr.

T h e G arriso n of E lsinore consists o f:


O fficers......................

N on-C om . Officers

M e n ............................

B a n d .........................




