w in ter season.
T h e Chib R oom s, to w hich a
lib ra ry is a tta c h e d , are in Ø stergade, opposite the
Athenaeum .
Militær Klub, The Military Club
, founded
in 1852, holds its m eetings every M onday evening
a t (for the present) V incent’s R estau ratio n , K ongens
N y to rv , w hich comm ence w ith a L ecture on a
M ilitary subject by a senior officer.
E v ery officer
in the a rm y m ay becom e a m em ber by an annu al
subscription o f 2 R bd. T h e Club looks forw ard to
the possession o f its own H ouse or Room s, and to
the estab lishm ent o f a Mess.
Bestandiye Boryerligeforening, Constant
United Civic Club.
Borgerligeforening, Civic Association.
The Recreation.