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The governing board of an educational service center may employ

“special instruction teachers, special education teachers, and teachers of

academic courses” for which there are too few students in the city or

exempted village districts to warrant each district’s employing teachers

for those courses.





Boards of education were required to adopt an evaluation system for

teachers, in consultation with their teachers, by July 1, 2013. The

system must conform with the evaluation framework adopted by the

state board of education, pursuant to 3319.112. This Ohio Teacher

Evaluation System (OTES) does not apply to substitute teachers or to

adult education instructors.

The policy “shall become operative” at the expiration of any collective

bargaining agreement in effect on September 24, 2012 and must be

included in the renewal or extension of the agreement.

The evaluation must be completed by a credentialed evaluator by May 1

each year, and a written report given to the teacher by May 10.

Measures of academic growth shall include “the value-added progress

dimension” or an alternative student academic progress measure, and

the policy must require one evaluation each year, and that evaluation

must consist of at least two 30-minute observations with conferences

(plus any additional “walk throughs).

Also, a board may adopt a resolution to evaluate a teacher rated as

“accomplished” (the highest rating) once every three years so long as

the teacher’s student academic growth measure is “average” or higher

for the most recent school year for which data are available.

In addition, a board may adopt a resolution to evaluate a teacher rated

as “skilled” (the second highest rating) once every two years so long as

the teacher’s student academic growth measure is “average” or higher

for the most recent school year for which data are available.

If the board elects not to evaluate accomplished and skilled teachers

annually, the law still requires that the teacher receive at least one

observation and at least one conference with a credentialed evaluator

each year.

If the board may wish to declare its intention not to re-employ a teacher,

the teacher must be observed at least three times during the year (rather

than two observations as for all other teachers).

There are two exceptions to the scheduled evaluations, if the district

chooses. The first is for a teacher who is on leave for 50% of more of the

school year. The second is for a teacher whose retirement has been

accepted by the board not later than December 1 of the school year in

which the evaluation was to be conducted. In both cases, the district

may elect not to conduct an evaluation of such teachers in that particular


An exception to the two observations per year is for teachers who

received most recently a rating of accomplished. In that case, the board

may adopt a resolution to require only one observation provided that the

teacher completes a project that has been approved by the board to

demonstrate the teacher’s continued professional growth and practice at

the accomplished level.

