Do all bus drivers need CPR training?
No. Drivers for MRDD programs must have a valid first aid training certificate.
Back to TopWe have a driver who has completed all their training and has a physical, but we do not have
the completed and signed forms yet. Can we use that driver before those forms are in our
No. You must have all the required documentation on-hand, and the information must have been
submitted to the Ohio Department of Education reporting system prior to allowing the driver to
transport students.
Back to TopWhat 'hire date' should we use when a teacher becomes certified to operate a van?
Use the date that the individual completed their van driver certification program.
Back to TopWhat is a primary employer?
The primary employer is the first employer to register a driver with ODE as a regular (not substitute)
driver. This is a program enhancement that had to be added to accommodate contracted drivers
who are assigned to public school districts. The primary employer is responsible for entering and
maintaining the T8 and T9 information, as well as the driver's address and personal information.
Secondary employers will be able to see all of this information, and will also be able to enter their
own date of hire, accidents (T10s), and appropriate notes.
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