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order, and the license’s original expiration date did not occur during the suspension period. A license

suspension is a public record and remains a part of the educator’s disciplinary file.


A formal disciplinary action that imposes limitations on an educator’s license. The State

Board can limit the type of educational activities an educator can perform or where an educator can

perform educational activities. A license limitation is a public record and remains a part of the

educator’s disciplinary file.


A formal disciplinary action that revokes an educator’s license. If an educator’s license

is revoked, the State Board may establish a minimum period of time before an educator can apply

for a new license or the State Board may order an educator be permanently ineligible to apply for

any license issued by the State Board. An action revoking an educator’s license is a public record

and remains part of the educator’s disciplinary file.

Denial of Application:

A formal disciplinary action that denies an educator’s application for

licensure. If an educator’s application for licensure is denied, the State Board may establish a

minimum period of time before an educator can apply for a license. The State Board may also order

an educator be permanently ineligible to apply for any license issued by the State Board. An action

denying an educator’s license is a public record and remains part of the educator’s disciplinary file.

Which disciplinary action the State Board pursues is based upon the nature of the allegations and/or

criminal conviction and the information gathered during an investigation.

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How does the State Board initiate a formal disciplinary action?

If the State Board intends to suspend, limit or revoke an educator’s license or to deny an educator’s

application for licensure, the State Board must given written notice of its intended action to the

educator in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code.

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Can an educator challenge a formal disciplinary action by the State Board?

An educator, notified of the State Board’s intended disciplinary action to deny, suspend, limit or

revoke a license, is afforded the right to an administrative hearing to challenge such an action. A

request for an administrative hearing must be submitted in writing and received by the Ohio

Department of Education within 30 days from the mailing of the notice regarding the intended

disciplinary action.