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All administrative hearings are held in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Ohio Revised Code.

Detailed information regarding the administrative hearing process is contained in the “Overview of

the Administrative Hearing Process.”

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What if an educator does not request an administrative hearing?

If an administrative hearing is not requested by an educator, the State Board may, in the educator’s

absence and upon consideration of the matter, determine whether or not to deny an educator’s

application and/or to suspend, limit or revoke the educator’s license.

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What happens after an administrative hearing?

Within 30 calendar days following the close of the evidentiary record of an administrative hearing,

the hearing officer submits a written report setting forth a summary of the proceedings, proposed

findings of fact and conclusions of law and a recommendation of the action to be taken by the State

Board (i.e. no disciplinary action, denial of a license or suspension, limitation or revocation of a

license). The Report and Recommendation is submitted to the Department of Education and the

Department forwards a copy of the report to the educator.

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What if the educator disagrees with the Hearing Officer’s Report and Recommendation?

The educator may file written objections within 10 days of receipt of the hearing officer’s Report and

Recommendation. Objections must be filed in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code Rule 3301-


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Does the State Board of Education review the Hearing Officer’s Report and
