Provisional license for STEM school teacher: A two-year provisional educator license for
teaching science, technology, engineering or mathematics in grades six through twelve, which
shall be valid only for teaching in a STEM school, defined as a science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics school established pursuant to Chapter 3326. of the Revised Code, shall be issued
to an individual who is deemed to be of good moral character, who has been engaged as a teacher
by a STEM school, and who evidences the qualifications specified in paragraphs (A)(1) and (A)(2)
of this rule.
The individual holds a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher education in a
field related to the subject area to be taught; and
The individual has passed an examination prescribed by the state board of education in the
subject area to be taught.
Apprenticeship program: The holder of a provisional educator license issued pursuant to this
rule shall complete a structured apprenticeship program provided by an educational service center
or a teacher preparation program approved under section
3319.23of the Revised Code in
partnership with the STEM school that employs the license holder. The apprenticeship program
shall include the components specified in paragraphs (B)(1) and (B)(2) of this rule.
Mentoring by a teacher or administrator who regularly observes the license holder's classroom
instruction, provides feedback on the license holder's teaching strategies and classroom
management, and engages the license holder in discussions about methods for fostering and
measuring student learning;
Regularly scheduled seminars or meetings that address the topics specified in paragraphs
(B)(2)(a) to (B)(2)(g) of this rule:
Statewide academic standards adopted by the state board of education pursuant to section
3301.079of the Revised Code and the importance of aligning curriculum with those standards;
Achievement tests prescribed by section
3301.0710of the Revised Code;
The school district and building accountability system established pursuant to Chapter 3302.
of the Revised Code;
Instructional methods and strategies;
Student development;
Assessing student progress and providing remediation and intervention, as necessary, to meet
student special needs; and
Classroom management and record keeping.
Eligibility for a professional educator license: Upon successful completion of the requirements
specified in paragraphs (C)(1) to (C)(4) of this rule an individual holding a provisional educator
license issued pursuant to this rule may apply for a five year professional educator license in the
same subject area named in the provisional license.