required achievement tests; or scoring below grade level as a result of a
diagnostic assessment.
If a school is ranked in the lowest 5% of all schools in the state on the
annual performance index and meets any combination of the following
conditions for three consecutive years:
the school is in either academic watch or academic emergency;
the school has received a grade of “F” for the value-added
progress dimension;
the school has received an overall grade of “F”,
then the district board of education must:
1)close the school and reassign the students to other schools;
2)contract with another regular public school district or non-profit or
“for profit” entity with a demonstrated record of effectiveness to
operate the school;
3)replace the school’s principal and teaching staff, exempt the
school from board rules on curriculum and instruction (if
requested by the new principal), and provide funding at least
equal to the district’s per pupil funding; or
4)reopen the school as a conversion community school.
A restructured school cannot be required to restructure again for three
consecutive years after the implementation of the prior restructuring.
Please see also SAFE HARBOR below.
If the Board has adopted a policy on the suspension of administrative
contracts, it may suspend contracts in accordance with that policy. Ohio
law specifically recognizes “financial conditions” of the district as one of
the authorized reasons for the contract suspensions. The policy (which
must address such issues as reasons for suspension, order of
suspension, and restoration rights) must be developed from input from
the superintendent and all administrators.
Other administrative personnel include: pupil services employees (but
not school counselors); administrative specialists or “an equivalent of
either one” so long as they spend less than 50% of their time teaching or
working with students; any non-licensed employee considered a
supervisor or management level employee (see ORC 4117.01); and a
business manager. While the law specifically excludes assistant
superintendents, principals, and assistant principals from the definition of
“other administrators,” those positions are treated almost identically
when it comes to such issues as evaluation, contract renewal, and
reductions in force.
Administrative personnel must be evaluated once annually in the years
in which their contracts are not expiring and twice during the year that
their contract does expire. A copy of the first evaluation must be
provided to the employee at least sixty days prior to the date on which
the Board takes action on the contract. A copy of the final evaluation
(containing the superintendent’s recommendation for renewal or
nonrenewal of the contract) must be provided to the employee at least
five days prior to the board’s action on the contract.
The procedures for the evaluation of administrators shall be based on
principles comparable to the teacher evaluation policy found in ORC
In addition, administrators must receive notice of an opportunity to meet
with the Board prior to the Board’s action on the renewal or non-renewal