Mr. Gavan Duffy has recently been appointed
to the Executive, Committee of the British and
Irish Irish Association of Law Librarians
London. In view of the small number of Irish law
librarians, it was not feasible to form a separate
Irish Association.
An interesting decision restating the principles
of undue influence if exercised by solicitors was
give,n by Lord Mac Dermott, Lord Chief Justice
of Northern Ireland, in the Belfast High Court on
9 October, 1969. A copy of the judgment is avail
able in the Library.
favour of the Assignment is, of course that there
was a bear legal estate outstaning in the fist
Judgment Mortgage only".
Member's Comment:—We wonder if a bear
legal estate is something which can only vest in a
bear trustee — or would that be a bull point?
In the case of
Kondor Plas Ltd. v. Honeywell
Leasing Ltd.,
Mr. Justice Murnaghan, in giving
judgment, gave the following direction on the 12th
January 1970: —
"I wish to say that in the future I will not enter
tain any application under Rule I of Order 11
(relating to service out of the jurisdiction) unless
the prayer in the affidavit grounding such appli
cation refers to the particular sub-head of the said
rule under which such application is made. I can
only express the hope that the widest possible
publicity, for the sake of the solicitors and Bar
alike, be given to this decision pending my pro
the Superior Rules
Committee that a specific rule of court be made to
the same effect.
There was a very
large attendance
Four Courts Hotel, on the occasion of the
Annual Dinner of the Association on Saturday,
13 December, 1969. In proposing the toast of
"Our Guests", the President of the Association,
Mr. George Williams, welcomed in particular the
President of the High Court, the Circuit Judges
and the District Justices present, as well as the
recently elected President of the Law Society;
Mr. James Green replied suitably to this toast.
Mr. Pigot, Claims Manager of C.I.E., in proposing
the toast of "The Association", announced his
imminent retirement, and stressed how much he
had enjoyed the functions of the Association. Miss
Thelma King, in replying, emphasised that the
main purposes of the, Association was to assist
Dublin solicitors as much as possible. The toasts
were followed by a very pleasant musical evening
to which several prominent artistes contributed.
The fifth International Course on European
Integration organised in English by the, University
of Amsterdam
in close collaboration with the
Netherlands Universities Foundation for Inter
national Co.operation will be held from September
8, 1970, until May, 13, 1971.
Participation in this course is open to young
graduates with Sections for law, economics and
science. The present course has
prospectus is available in the library of the course.
During the first term introductory tutorials and
lectures on general problems of integration will
be held, followed during the second term by
lectures, seminars and conferences on specific
problems, individual research and a study tour to
the European Institutions. The lecturers in the
course are both professors coming from various
Dutch universities and experts who gained ex
perience in the field of integration through their
professional connections with the European Com
munities, Benelux, O.E.C.D. etc.
The legal section consists of courses in:
(1) Community Law
(i) Competition Principles of the E.E.C.
(g) The legal and fiscal principles of Com
panies in the, E.E.C.
The tuition fee and social insurance premium
amounts to 1160 Guilders. At the present rate of
8.60 Guilders to the Pound Sterling, this works
out at approximately £135. Accommodation and
travelling expenses are extras. Applications for
Registration should reach the Registrar of the
Netherlands Universities Foundation for Inter
national Co-operation,
27, Molenstraat, The