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CYIL 5 ȍ2014Ȏ

promis), ostatně ani jiná nemohla být. Řečených arbitrážních nálezů bylo v násle-

dujících létech počtem na tisíce a všechny byly téže smluvní povahy. Změnu po 130

létech (počítáno od 1794) přinesl v r. 1924 až judikát SDMS ve věci Mavrommatis

Concessions. Tento soudní orgán totiž zaujal stanovisko, že poškozením cizince

ve státě jeho pobytu je také poškozen stát jeho příslušnosti. Tímto činem také auto-

maticky vzniká jeho “právo” uplatnit diplomatickou ochranu a rezidentnímu státu

k tomu se vztahující odpovědnostní povinnost. Případný judikát je jen deklarová-

ním tohoto odpovědnostního následku. Právě tohoto judikátu se dovolala Komise

pro mezinárodní právo při přípravě kodifikace institutu diplomatické ochrany tedy

i formulování její právní povahy. Poškození státu příslušnosti ve spojitosti s poško-

zením fyzické nebo právnické osoby v cizině pak označila za pouhou fikci.

Key words:

International Law Commission (ILC), Draft Articles on Diplomatic

Protection, legal fiction in diplomatic protection, Draft Articles on Responsibility

of States for internationally wrongful acts, codifying international convention.

On the Author:

Born in 1927. He is a retired professor of international law. Till 1993

he was a member of the Department of International Law at the Faculty of Law,

Charles University in Prague. Since then he has been cooperating on an external basis

with the this Department. In his research he mainly focuses on general international

law and its codification.

1. Introduction

In 2006 the Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection were adopted by the

International Law Commission (ILC) and it was decided to recommend to the General

Assembly (GA) the preparation of a convention on the basis of this draft. The General

Assembly (by A/RES/61/35) took note of the Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection

presented by the Commission and invited Governments to submit comments

concerning this recommendation (Report of the Sixth Committee, A/61/454).

In 2007 the GA decided (A/RES/62/67) to include in the provisional agenda of

its sixty-fifth session (2010) further examination, in light of the written comments

of Governments, of the question of a convention on diplomatic protection, or any

other appropriate action, on the basis of the above-mentioned articles. This GA session

actually provided a detailed discussion and analysis of the historically predominant

topic of State responsibility, on which the ILC completed its work in 2001, and

(according to the Commission´s view) diplomatic protection is a specific sub-topic

of this theme of State responsibility.

In 2010 the GA postponed (A/RES/65/27) the examination of the question of

a convention on diplomatic protection, or any other appropriate action, based

on the above-mentioned articles. The next term for this examination was fixed on

the agenda of the 68th GA session in 2013. And possibly it was a coincidence here

that there the Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful

Acts were also discussed. Both topics were then adjourned until the 71th session of