Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2010
Space and energy saving caterpillar
Rosendahl has introduced a new, updated and
extended portfolio of caterpillars for the wire
and cable industry.
ROCA caterpillars are designed for more
efficient cable production, especially of medium-
and large-sized cables. Due to a new
synchronisation concept the power transmission
of both belts is equal; strain on the cable and
energy consumption are both reduced.
To cover a wide range of products the ROCA
caterpillars are available in different sizes. The
individual models are available with gripping
length of between 1,200mm and 3,000mm and
with maximum traction forces of up to 44,000N.
The design is modular, allowing for an optimised
configuration of speed, traction force and
gripping length, according to the individual
requirements of the user.
The main advantages of the ROCA are:
Wide range to suit many products
Direct AC – drive system
Exact belt guiding
Low noise level
Low energy consumption
Space-saving design
Each ROCA is equipped with a control cabinet mounted on
the machine. This allows an easy mechanical and electrical
integration into an existing extrusion line and makes ROCA
caterpillars a solution for any upgrade business. Guide
rollers at the inlet and the outlet of the machine, an
integrated air pressure reservoir and an accurate belt guiding
system are further features of the new range.
Rosendahl Maschinen GmbH – Austria
: +43 3113 5100 59
www.rosendahlaustria.comThe new ROCA caterpillar for medium and large cables