THE company Erndtebrücker Eisenwerk is
the market leader for large special pipes and
Gräbener said it is proud that its innovative
machine concepts have, in a small way,
contributed to the great success of the EEW
Recently, Gräbener Maschinentechnik
(GMT) has put three machines for pipe
production into operation at the company
EEW Malaysia Sdn Bhd. The pipe mill in
SoutheastAsia is a brand new factory that was
inaugurated by Abdul Ghani Othman, Prime
Minister of Johor, the most southern state of
Malaysia, together with the management of
the parent company in Erndtebrück.
EEW banks on the experience of Gräbener
With the supply of three machines, GMT
has played a key role in the building of the
new factory. A 3,000 ton bending press, a
calibration press and a continuous root
tacking machine now produce SAW pipes
with a length of up to 12,500mm, a diameter
of up to 1,220mm and a maximum weight
of 20 tons is possible. The maximum wall
thickness to be processed amounts to
40mm. Especially the heavy bending press
with a weight of 450 tons and a production
capacity of between six and 12 pipes per
hour depending on the diameter is expected
to ensure a reliable annual output of 80,000
tons for pipe diameters of up to 1,220mm.
“In order to reach the ambitious
goal of an equal quality standard for all
pipes produced in our company group,
we deliberately went with well-proven
machines, manufacturers and processes”,
explains EEW Associate Christoph
Schorge. Therefore, EEW traditionally
banks on GMT’s experience and the
reliability and quality of their machines.
Gräbener machines are not only
installed at the EEW headquarters
in Erndtebrück. Numerous Gräbener
machines also prove their reliability and
high efficiency at the EEW subsidiaries in
Rostock, Lubmin, Kiel, and even in Korea.
Encouraged by the positive experience
made with these machines, EEW even put
Gräbener Maschinentechnik in charge of
retrofitting a pipe forming press of another
manufacturer. The result: A significant
increase in productivity and quality.
Gräbener Maschinentechnik
GmbH & Co KG
– Germany
Fax: +49 27379 89109
www.graebener-group.comThe 3,000 ton bending press (above and bottom left)