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Principal shareholders




Pursuant to Article L. 233-13 of the French Commercial Code, we

indicate below the shareholders who directly or indirectly as of

31 December 2016 held more than 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%,

33.33%, 50%, 66.66%, 90%, or 95% of the share capital or voting

rights at Shareholders’ Meetings.

Pursuant to Articles L. 233-7 et seq. of the French Commercial

Code, we informyou that the following cases of thresholds being

crossed were reported to us during the year:


in a letter received on 15 April 2016, and supplemented by a

letter receivedon 18April 2016, MonetaAssetManagement (36

rueMarbeuf, 75008 Paris, France), acting on behalf of funds it

manages, declared that on 15 April 2016 it moved:

above 10% of the share capital and voting rights of Altamir,

holding 3,964,904 Altamir shares on behalf of these funds,

representing the same number of voting rights,


10.86% of

the share capital andvoting rights of theCompany, as a result of

acquiring voting rights that the declarant could exercise freely

by virtue of proxies obtained for use at the Annual General

Meeting of 15 April 2016 in the absence of specific instructions

from the corresponding shareholders; and

below 10% of the share capital and voting rights of Altamir,

holding 3,320,000 Altamir shares on behalf of these funds,

representing the same number of voting rights,


9.09% of

the share capital and voting rights of the Company, by virtue

of the expiry of the proxies received fromAltamir shareholders.

In the same letters, MonetaAssetManagementmade the following

statement of intent: “Moneta Asset Management declares that:

it did not cross the threshold as a result of acquiring shares,

and that no financing had been required to cross the threshold;

it did not have agreements or hold financial instruments

listed in “4” and “4 bis” of “I” of Article L. 233-9 of the French

Commercial Code;

it had obtained the additional voting rights temporarily as a

result of proxies sent to its head office without specific voting

instructions from the corresponding shareholders. Investors

sent these proxies in order to take part in the General Meeting

of 15 April 2016;

it acted alone;

it remains prepared to accept proxies for future General

Meetings anddoes not plan to increase its position in the capital

of Altamir, while not ruling out non-material purchases or sales

of Altamir shares depending on market opportunities;

it does not intend to take control of the Company;

it does not plan to change the strategy implementedbyAltamir

and does not have any:

a) plans to merge, reorganise, liquidate or transfer any

substantial portion of the assets of the issuer or of any

other entity that it controls pursuant toArticle L. 233-3

of the French Commercial Code,

b) plans to change the issuer’s business,

c) plans to change the issuer’s Articles of Association,

d) plans to remove a category of the issuer’s securities

from trading,

e) plans to issue securities of the issuer;

it has not entered into a temporary divestment agreement with

respect to the issuer’s shares or voting rights;

it does notwish to request oneormore seats on theSupervisory

Board.” (AMF notice no. 216C0915);


in a letter received on 23 September 2016, SEB Asset

Management, a company controlledbySkandinaviskaEnskilda

BankenAB(POBox487, L-2014Luxembourg), actingonbehalf

of funds it manages, declared that on 22 September 2016 it

moved below the threshold of 5% of the share capital and

voting rights of Altamir, and that it held 1,490,777 Altamir

shares onbehalf of these funds, representing the same number

of voting rights,


4.08%of the share capital and voting rights

of the Company. This threshold was crossed as a result of

sellingAltamir shares in themarket (AMFnotice no. 216C2169).