2018 OSD Departmental Highlights
pg. 14
52 new followers in 2018 (a 16% increase)
Posted 20 updates (a 40% increase from 2017)
Updates posted get an average of 418 views
Most viewed update: Marshall Reappointed as Commissioner (1,311 views)
6 public videos added in 2018 (15 total public videos)
5 internal/staff/or client videos added in 2018
4,591 total video views on VWC channel for 2018
8,989 lifetime video views on VWC channel (2015-2018)
Most watched video- Join Us for the 2018 Conference with 1,074 views
32 channel subscribers
Nine (9) Press Releases distributed to-date for 2018
Fourteen (14) Conference communications were distributed
Communications are sent via Mailchimp email service for tracking purposes. VWC began
using Mailchimp in 2017. In the past year, we have 497 new subscribers, a 17% growth.
Readership is up 23% from 2017.
Social Media / Platforms