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I started working at Evergreen on September 10th, 2012 and I hope I never have to find another job. I have been a

professional Chef since 1995 and Gil gave me the opportunity to continue doing what I Love most but in a different


As you all know once you start working for/with Gil you inevitably get involved in all types of jobs, events, and

activities. You name it and Gil has done it. Gil has the stamina of a pure blood Spanish bull and it’s hard sometimes

to follow his pace but that challenge is always fun and rewarding.

I learned very early on as I started my job at Evergreen how determined Gil is and how hard he fights for what he

believes in. When Hurricane Sandy hit is in the fall of 2012 I was living in Long Beach and I don’t have to tell you how

devastating it was but that did not in any way deter Gil or Círculo’s mission and following his determination I even

walked one day to Evergreen from Long Beach. It took me a little bit over three hours but it was worth it.

As I said if you work with Gil you get involved in sooooo many things and I started working for Círculo Food Services

soon after I arrived. The first job I did was Gil and Sarah’s wedding here at the Center and after that it was like a cas-

cade of different types of jobs. For Thanksgiving 2012 I single handedly prepared a dinner for 300 hundred people

in need of a warm homemade meal who had lost everything after Sandy and this was done in collaboration with the

Hispanic Federation. This was done to support Long Beach residents. I should say it was the Hispanic Federation that

approached Gil and he then asked me if it would be possible. Of course I said yes, I would be more than happy

to do it. So I did. I spent 16 straight hours cooking and leaving everything ready before I left for Maine to spend

Thanksgiving with my family. And after this everything followed. That fall/winter I supervised all soccer sessions held

at the center, I worked weekends for Círculo Food Service doing all type of events ranging from weddings, to sweet

16 events, fashion shows, and concerts. You name it I did it and the best of all is that I had a great time and I still do.

That is not to say that sometimes things don’t go the way you would like but you just have to deal with the situation

and learn from it.

Soon after Sandy, Círculo got a very generous grant from the Robin Hood Foundation for us to start Círculo’s

Culinary Academy and we did. With hard work and support from different sources we got 30 students for our first

Professional Cooking Course and Baking and Pastries course which were a success. I also got involved with Círculo’s

other programs and provided cooking instruction to Círculo’s clients in its Supported Housing Programs.

As of today I am starting my 4th year at Evergreen and I think we have gone a long way since I started but we still have

so much more to accomplish and I am very confident that we will be able to reach all of our goals with hard work,

consistency and perseverance.

All in all I Love and tremendously enjoy working at Evergreen and Círculo and I hope that Gil’s dream goes on forever

and reaches as many families as we can.

I will be eternally grateful to Gil and Sarah for this once in a lifetime opportunity and like I said hopefully I will never

have to find another job. Thank you.

Joshua “The Happy Chef ”

As an instructor at Círculo, Long Beach, I have witnessed students become empowered by the knowlwdge they

acquire, one word at a time, one class at a time. For me, it is extremely rewarding to work at an institution that

helps Hispanic immigrants. In doing so, Círculo helps individuals achieve their full potential, thus becoming better

equipped to serve their communities and fulfill their roles in society.Círculo cares.

Maria Lucia Mesquita, Instructor

I am so happy to see Círculo Green Center completed. It is an honor to witness this project from birth to end. I always

believe that dreams can come true; behind this dream were people who worked hard to make it come true. People, who

never gave up and believed in their dream, THE DREAM CAME TRUE! Congratulations! Well done!

Liliana Kayali (Former employee, volunteer and friend of the organization)

My history with Círculo is extensive and long – we supported Gil Bernardino when he had many programs on Long

Beach. Now, I am happy that he has fulfilled his dream of building a community center with the help of a very

dedicated staff.

Personally, I was extremely proud to be honored by Círculo de la Hispanidad in May 16, 2008 at the Garden

City Hotel.

I am most proud of Círculo for their untiring efforts to provide good quality education to the students at the Center

in their Evergreen Charter School.

Thank you for the opportunity to express my feelings.

Sonia Palacio-Grottola, LCSW

Madrid, 25 de septiembre de 2015

Queridísimo Papi “Gilito” y Abuelo,

Hace 41 años te fuiste a Long Beach y has logrado tu “impossible dream” Como diría tu querido Martin Luther, you

had a dream, and you fought for it!

Nos llena de tremendo orgullo lo que has logrado a lo largo de estos años: como has conseguido que Círculo se

convierta en un referente para los Hispanos del Condado de Nassau; como has luchado contra viento y marea para

lograr que Evergreen sea hoy una preciosa realidad y uno de los mejores colegios de la zona; como has usado tu tesón

para que la vida de los forasteros en Nueva York sea un poquito mejor.

Como no podía ser de otra manera, todo ese bien que has hecho a la Comunidad se ha visto recompensado: múltiples

premios y homenajes a tus espaldas y el privilegio ser el único oriundo de Tapioles que tiene una estatua en la madre


¡Es un honor tenerte como padre, suegro y abuelo!