The clear wine should be racked off in the
month of January, and fined by isinglass dis–
solved in old wine of the same kind. Fron1
thirty-five to forty-five days after, a second
fining takes place, and, if the lees are consider–
able, a third may be found necessary. The
clear wine is drawn off in the month of
into bottles, adding to each a s1nall measure of
which is merely three per cent. of a
sirup inade by dissolving sugar candy in white
wine. \Vhen the bottles are filled, and the
corks secured by pack-thread and wire, they
are laid on their sides, with their mouths sloping
downward at an angle of twenty or twenty-five
degrees, so that any sediment contained in
them may fall into the neck. At the end of
from six to
ve days the slope is increased,
when they are slightly tapped, and placed in a
vertical position; then, in the course of some
clays, the cork is partially removed, to allow
the sediment to be forced ont
the prnssnre
of the gas. An additional quantity of