Anyone can build a still. But not everyone can make
good whiskey.
For whiskey-making remains today, as it was fifty years
ago, not so much a matter of equipment as of inherited
Into every bottle of Frankfort Whiskey goes four gen–
erations of experience. The key-men in the Frankfort
organization have not only grown up with Frankfort -
in many cases, their daddies and grand-daddies worked
for Frankfort before them. The yeast used is from the
same master culture Frankfort has guarded for 50 years.
The same old-fashioned method of making the whiskey
is used. And every drop of whiskey is aged in the only
way Frankfort believes fine whiskey can be aged - in
charred oak barrels.
Try a bottle of Frankfort Whiskey and you'll quickly
discover the smoothness and old-fashioned flavor that
such care and skill can give.