take note
Trevor Manas started his lightning career at Pontins in 1991 as an Installation Technician. He later became Sales Engineer and in 1996, Director in
charge of the company’s compliance with the earthing and lightning protection codes of practice. He became Managing Director in 1999. A few years
later Pontins formed a partnership with DEHN Africa. Trevor left Pontins to form his own consultancy, Lightning Protection Concepts.
Enquiries: Email
trevor@lpconcepts.comInstallation details
The use of 3D modelling enables accurate and precise
installation of the various earthing and lightning protec-
tion components. This enables the design principles
employed by the LPS designer to be easily conveyed
to the installation teams. Project specific installation
details are compiled to further ensure the accuracy
of the lightning protection planning process from
the design phase through to the installation.
• 3D programming allows for more
efficient designing of earthing and
lightning protection systems.
• 3D planning of earthing and light-
ning protection systems is an
excellent solution for visually rep-
resenting the protection measures.
• The biggest advantage in using the
3D design process is the clear visu-
alisation of the protected volume of
the air termination system.
April ‘17