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Mr. Francis J. Lanigan of Carlow has been,

elected President of the Society for the coming year.

Mr. Desmond J. Collins of Dublin and Mr. Patrick

O'Donnell of Dungloe have been elected Vice-



22nd NOVEMBER, 1962

The President took the chair at 2.30 p.m.

The notice convening the meeting was by per

mission taken as read.

The secretary read the minutes of the ordinary

general meeting held on the 24th May, 1962 which

were confirmed and signed by the chairman.

The secretary read the report of the scrutineers of

the ballot for the council for the year 1962/63. The

chairman declared

the result of the ballot in

accordance with the scrutineers report as follows :

Provincial delegates returned unopposed:—Ulster:

John C. O'Carroll; Muaster :

Edward Treacy ;

Leinster : Reginald J. Nolan; Connaught: Francis


Election of ordinary members. The following

received the votes placed after their names :

i. John Carrigan 476 ;

2. Augustus Cullen 474;

3. Thomas A. O'Reilly 456 ; 4. Niall S. Gaffney 454 ;

5. John J. Nash 454; 6. Francis J. Lanigan 451 ;

7. Peter E. O'Connell 445 ;

8. Daniel Joseph

O'Connor 441 ;

9. Ralph Joseph Walker 439 ;


Eunan McCarron 438 ;

u. Patrick Noonan 431 .

12. Desmond Joseph Collins 423 ;

13. William A.

Tormey 420; 14. Thomas J. Fitzpatrick 420; 15.

Robert McDougall Taylor 417;

16. George G.

Overend 415 ;

17. William A. Osborne 415 ;


George A. Nolan 415 ; 19. Patrick O'Donnell 407 ;


John Maher 395 ;

21. Thomas Valentine

O'Connor 395 ; 22. Brendan A. McGrath 393 ; 23.

Dinnen B. Gilmore 385 ;

24. Peter D. M. Prentice

384; 25. Timothy J. C. O'Keeffe 382; 26. James

W. O'Donovan 377 ;

27. James R. C. Green 364;

28. Desmond Moran 357;

29. Raymond Arthur

French 334; 30. Charles Hyland 328 ; 31. Edward

Dillon 310 ;

The scrutineers returned the foregoing as duly

elected ordinary members of the Council for the

year 1962-63.

The following candidate also received the number

of votes placed after her name :—Elizabeth Wright


Audited accounts and balance sheets. The accounts

and balance sheets circulated were adopted. Messrs.

Kevans & Sons were re-appointed as the Society's


The president moving the adoption of the report

of the council for the year 1961-62 said :—

It is my privilege as president to propose the

adoption of the report of your Council for the year

to 22nd November, 1962 which I do with great


Before dealing with the report I have to record

with regret the death, since we last met, of the

following i—Patrick Callan, Dublin; Henry C.

Bourke, Ballina; Dermot D. Fanning, Dublin;

William E. Chapman, Waterford; William P.

Corrigan, Dublin.

I would like, personally, and on behalf of the

Council to express our deep sympathy with their

relatives and friends.

During the last year two members of the Council

resigned and their resignations were accepted with


You will also have noticed that four of my former

colleagues on the Council have not felt able to go

forward for re-election. Those of us who have given

our services to the Council know just how much

time and inconvenience this, of necessity, involves

and I would like publicly to express the appreciation

of myself and my colleagues for all the help we have

received from these men over the years.

It is invidious to mention names but I must

particularly refer to Mr. John R. Halpin and Mr.

James J. O'Connor. Mr. John R. Halpin first joined

the Council in the year 1949, was vice-president of

the Society in the years 1953/54 and 1957/58 and

president in the year 1958/59. He was also chairman

of the Provincial Solicitors' Association. I fear no

contradiction when I say that he was one of our

most distinguished presidents. During all his years

on the Council he was untiring in his efforts for the

good of the profession and unremitting in his

attendance. He was always constructive in his ideas,

at all times co-operative, kindly and genial in his

approach and contributed greatly to the work of the

Council over the years. I and my colleagues will

greatly miss the benefit of his wise counsel, we

accepted his resignation with regret and wish him

and his wife many happy years to come.

Mr. James J. O'Connor was vice-president of the

Society in the year 1952/53 and all together served

on the council for a total of 13 years. He always

brought to the Council table words of wisdom and

humanity and we are very fortunate to have had

the benefit of his help, advice and assistance over

such a long period. My colleagues and I all regret

that he cannot see his way to serve with us any


We shall remain ever grateful for all that these

two men have done for us and for the Society.