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Slochana on foot of two warrants ..signed by a

Justice of the Peace for the Borough of Kingston-

upon-Thames, London and duly endorsed


execution in Ireland by a Deputy Commissioner of

the Garda Siochana. The prosecutor was arrested

and brought to the Bridewell in Dublin for the

purpose of being handed over to the English police.

The warrants contained recitals that informations on

oath had been laid against the prosecutor alleging

offences under sections 154 (13) and 156


of the

Bankruptcy Act, 1914, as amended. This Act is an

English statute which never •applied in Ireland. The

prosecutor obtained a conditional order of habeas

corpus and subjiciendum directed to the station

sergeant at the Bridewell and on the application to

make absolute the conditional order the cause shown

was allowed and the conditional order discharged.

Against tliis order the prosecutor appealed on the

grounds, inter alia, that there was no evidence that

the acts alleged in the warrants constituted a crime

or offence under English law.

It was held by the Supreme Court (reversing the

High Court) that the cause shown should be dis

allowed and the conditional order of habeas corpus

made absolute.

Walsh J. who delivered the judgment of the court

stated, in the course of his judgment, that there was

no evidence that the matters complained against the

applicant in the warrants are offences or crimes,

under English law. Adopting the view of Gavan

Duffy P., in the State (DowUng)


Brennan and

Kingston 71 I.L.T.R., 90, 131, (1937) I.R. 483, at

p, 509, Mr. Justice Walsh said that he was of opinion

that the appropriate authority in Ireland should

decline to affix his indorsement to such a warrant

until he is satisfied on proper evidence that the

warrant was issued for a crime or an offence according

to the law for the time being in force in the country

in which the warrant originated.

(The State


Sergeant Samuel Bell,

Irish l^aw


April 27th, 1963, page 114.)


Register A

SOLICITOR'S practice for sale in progressive midland town.

Box No. Azoo.

SOLICITOR'S office and practice for sale in Munster Town.

Box. No. A.201.

A DUBLIN SOLICITOR disposing of substantial Country Agency.

Enquiries to Box A.202.

Register C

In the Goods of ARTHUR CLAXTON, late of Dysart, Portlaoise

(formerly " Maryborough ") in the County of Laois (formerly

Queen's County), Farmer, deceased, who died on or about

the i8th day of April, 1963. Will any solicitor having in his

possession and custody the Original Will of the above deceased,

or knowing its whereabouts please communicate with the




the 2oth May,


Horace Turpin & Son, Solicitors, Portlaoise, Laois.

WILL any Solicitor having knowledge of a will of John

Bernard Rooney late of The Clarence Hotel, Dublin, who

died in a Dublin Hospital on the 2oth March, 1962, kindly

communicate with Reid & Sweeney, Solicitors, Bailyshannon,

Co. Donegal.

ESTATE of Miss Catherine McKevitt, late of 56, Bath Street,

Irishtown, Dublin. The undermentioned solicitor is anxious

to trace any original Will of the above named deceased.

Would any solicitor who may have knowledge of the where

abouts of any such document kindly communicate with

Peter Woods, Solicitor, Dundalk.


1891 AND 1942

Issue of New Land Certificate

Applications have been received from the regis

tered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed

hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in

substitution for the original Certificates issued in

respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule,

which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been

lost or inadvertently destroyed.

A new Certificate will be issued in each case,

except a case in respect of which notification is

received in this Registry within 28 days from the

publication of this notice, that the Certificate of

Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some

person other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on which such

Certificate is being held.

Dated the I4th day of June, 1963.


Registrar of Titles.

Central Office,

Land Registry,

Chancery Street,



1. Registered Owner Charles Leslie Hale. Folio

number 14613. County Galway. Lands of Inish-

lackan in the Barony of Ballynaninch containing

4a. zr. 28p.

2. Registered Owner James Feehan.


number 1569. County Queens. Lands of Ballick-

moyler in the Barony of Slievernargy containing

36J perches.

3. Registered Owner Marie Josephine Lyons.

Folio number 449(R). County Longford. Lands