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from 11— 2 o’clock.

A nd on every Sunday from


— 2 o’clock th ro u g h o u t the year.

Den Kongelige Malerisamling, The Boy at

Gallery o f Paintings


occupies the u p p e r sto ry

o f C h ristiansborg P alace.

F ounded by C hristian

I V . , and g reatly augm ented by succeeding K in g s

th ro u g h the p u rch ase o f different priv ate collections,

it contains ab o ut 1 0 0 0 P aintin gs, am ong w hich are

m an y of m uch value o f th e I ta lia n , D u tc h , and

F lem ish schools.

It is w o rth y o f a visit w ere it

on ly to view

Salvator Rosa’s

splendid p icture o f

Jonah preaching to the Ninevites

, painted ex­

p ressly for the K ing o f D enm ark.

D r. Clarke,

sp eak in g o f this pain tin g in his "S can d in av ia," says,

" T h e talen ts o f S alv ato r are often estim ated from

his w orks in la n d sca p e-p a in tin g ; b u t his landscapes

afford very inadequate proofs o f his sup erio r m erit.

H is m ain excellence consisted in the delineation of

s to ry ; w itness his

Conspiracy o f Catiline;

w itness

also his inspiring picture in the royal gallery of

D enm ark , which represents

The preaching o f Jonah

to the Ninevites.

It contains sixteen figures, all

a s large as l if e , y et th ey are no t in th e least

crow ded.

A t first sig h t, a perso n m ight suppose

th ere w ere not m ore th an h a lf a dozen figures in