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ran g em en t o f the contents n o t being com plete.


contains objects o f art, from the early and m iddle

ages, o f v ario u s nations.

Det Kyi. Museum fo r nordiske Olds ayer.

The Royal Museum o f Northern Antiquitiess

is in C h ristian sbo rg P alace on the left of the

Colonnade. It w as instituted in 1807, and increased

by contributions from .the S candinavian countries.

.T h e v ast extent o f th is Collection (7— 8 0 0 0 objects),

and its excellently sy stem atic arrangem ent, are due

to the diligence and industry o f its C urator, E ta ts-

ra ad


, a gentlem an no less distinguished

for his A n tiq u arian k n ow led g e, than for his kind

atten tio n to v isito rs, and excessive good nature.

T h e Collection is rem ark ab ly rich in w eapons and

house furn itu re from the early tim es, viz, from the

tim e w hen the use of iro n w as unknow n.

T he

M useum is open, gratis, thro u g h o u t the y e a r every

T h u rsd a y from 11 — 1 o’clo ck ; aud from the 1st.

M ay to 1st. Octr. ev ery M on day from 5— 7 p. m.

Det Kyi. naturhistoriske M useum



Roya l Museum o f N a tu ra l H istory

, founded

in 1 7 9 6 , is situate in S to rm g ad e , N r. 187. F ew

M useum s possess a better collection o f stuffed

b ird s, the arran g em en t of which is rem a rk ab ly