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JUNE 1988

Younger Members News

SYS Spring Seminar 1988

Approximately one hundred and

eighty young (and some not so

young!) solicitors attended the

Spring Seminar of the Society of

Young Solicitors at the Great

Southern Hotel, Galway, f r om the

15th to 17th April last. As always,

the weekend was highly successful

both f r om the social and, more

importantly, the educational point

of view.

There was great interest among

those attending the Seminar in the

lectures delivered by each of the

distinguished guest speakers. On

Sa t u r day mo r n i ng, Mr. Ad r i an

Glover of Hayes & Sons imparted a

useful, and, often witty, lecture on

t he " P r a c t i c al D i f f i c u l t i es in

Med i cal Neg l i gence ". He was

followed by Mr. Justice Ronan

Keane w ho gave an excellent

account of recent developments in

Company Law, w i t h particular

emphasis on the implications of the

pending Company Law Bill. The

Sunday morning spot was reserved

for Commissioner Eamonn Doherty,

and i ndeed all p r e s ent we re

delighted to have the opportunity of

hearing the Commissioner give a

most impressive delivery on " T he

Garda Síochána and the Law Today".

On Saturday afternoon a small

r ecep t i on was hos t ed by the

Galway Solicitors Bar Association

at Aras Fáilte, Eyre Square, to

welcome the SYS to Galway. Those

attending the reception included

the President of the G.S.B.A., Mr.

Ciaran Keys, the Deputy Lord

Mayor, Mrs. Bridie O'Flaherty, and

the County Registrar, Mr. Sean


Once again the Saturday Night

Banquet proved to be a thoroughly

enjoyable affair. The guests of the

Society relaxed w i th pre-dinner

drinks in the Roof Top Bar at the

Great Southern while the remaining

t wo hundred and t we n ty or so

attendants preferred drinks in one

of the t wo other smart refreshment

areas of the hotel. The Banquet

itself was run most efficiently and

after dinner the Chairman, Mr.

Michael Quinlan, we l comed the

guests of the Society, namely Mr.

and Mrs. Maurice Curran, Mr. and

Mrs. J im Ivers, Mr. and Mrs.

O'Reilly, Mr. Christopher Mahon

and also, of course, the three Guest

Speakers and Mrs. Glover. The

Chairman on behalf of the Society,

was also delighted to we l come

representative Guests from the

equivalent of the SYS in Northern

I r e l and,

Eng l and,


t he


In the course of the evening

presentations were made to the

Prize W i n n e rs of t he Tennis

Tournament wh i ch was held on

Saturday afternoon. A collection

was also made for the Solicitors

Benevolent Fund and this yielded a

return of over £240.

A f t e r d i nne r, a ma r v e l l o us

mixture of music was delivered by

an excellent local foursome. In

keeping w i t h tradition the Banquet

continued into the early hours of

Sunday morning. We are reliably

informed that it was many a weary

body that made its way home on

Sunday evening after yet another

superb SYS weekend.

Sponsorship for the Seminar was

provided by the Investment Bank of

Ireland, Star Computers, Law Place-

ments and Butterworths/ITELIS.

We understand the SYS are or-

ganising a further Seminar, jointly

w i th the Bar, in Kilkenny from

November the 4 th to the 6 th

next . . . so don't forget to note this

in your diaries!




The Centre for the Study of Family Law

and Social Welfare Law is offering a short,

intensive 3-week course of lectures on

Social Welfare Law, beginning on Monday,

12th September, 1988.

The purpose of the course is to familiarise

the participants with the law relating to the

income maintenance schemes administered

by the Department of Social Welfare and

the Health Boards. Particular attention will

be paid to the recent extension of social

insurance to the self-employed, the legal

implications of the EEC Equal Treatment

Directive; the Report of the Commission on

Social Welfare and the various recent

judicial decisions on social welfare matters.

The number of places on the course is

limited, and there is a course fee of £40*

Six two-hour lectures, from 7.00 to 9.00

p.m. will be given on the Mondays and

Wednesdays of the 3 weeks beginning

Monday, 12th September.

Enquiries and applications should be

directed to:

Mr. Gerry Whyte,

c/o School of Law,

Trinity College,

Dublin 2.

(* Special rates for the unwaged)


3rd CELIM Conference on Liability

in the Information Age: a European

Perspective, Brussels 27-28 June,



Robert Clarke,

Faculty of Law, U.C.D.

International Chamber of


Cyprus National

Committee, one-day Seminar on

International Commercial Arbitration

in Nicosia, 1 July 1988.



Cyprus National Committee, P.O. Box

1455, Nicosia, Cyprus. Tel:

449500/462312, Tlx. 2077.

AIJA Congress,

Mun i ch 5-9

September, 1988.



Irvine, Matheson Ormsby & Prentice,

20 Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2.

Tel: (01) 760981, Tlx: 93310/90277,

Fax: (01) 609744/760501.

IBA 22nd Biennial Conferences

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25-30

September, 1988.


the IBA

Office at 2 Harewood Place, Hanover

Square, London WIR 9HB, and for

details of group travel from Ireland,

Alan Benson, Easy Travel, 38 Lr.

Stephen Street, Dublin 2. Tel: (01)


UIA Conference,

Barcelona, 11-15

October, 1988. Contact Congress

Secretariat, OTAC S.A. Congress

Organization, Sepulveda 45-47,

08015 Barcelona, Spain.

1988 Bar Conference, London, 1-2

October, 1988.



Organiser: Blair Communications &

Marketing, 117 Regents Park Road,

London NW1 8UR. Tel. (031) 483

2297, Tlx: 265181, Fax: (031) 586


European Transport


International Maritime Congress on

EEC Regulations, Antwerp, 25/26

November, 1988.


Robert H.

Wijffels, Advocaat, Maria-Henriettalei

1, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.