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General Accident

General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation p.I.e. specialises in

providing a service to the legal profession and others in connection with Court

Bonds and Contingency indemnities. In these fields knowledge born of long

experience is essential to the provision of a speedy and expert service.

Enquiries are particularly welcomed in respect of Administration Bonds,

Liquidation Bonds, Indemnities and Contingency Risks.

Branches at: Dublin, Cork, Limerick.

Offices at: Cavan, Clonmel, Dundalk,

Galway, Killarney, Sligo, Tullamore,

Waterford and Wexford.

Head Office Republic of Ireland

Telephone: 682055

1 Clanwilliam Court, Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2.

FAX: 611971

(5) an alien is not a citizen of a

State listed in the Sixth

Schedule of Statutory Instru-

ment No. 1 2 8 / 75



(6) an alien is subject to a De-

portation Order;

(7) an alien is prohibited from lan-

d i ng in t he c o u n t ry by

Ministerial Order;

(8) an alien is not in possession

of a valid passport or other

document establishing na-


(9) if the Immigration Officer

holds the reasonable belief

that an alien intends to travel

to Great Britain or Northern

Ireland and the Immigration

Officer does not think that the

alien would qualify for admis-

sion there either;

(10) an alien remains in the State

after boat or aircraft has

already left.

Refusal on any of the above

grounds must be informed within a

reasonable time to the alien in


Gene r al Po i n ts

The system of immigration controls

in Ireland rests with the Minister for

Justice who, subject to the Con-

stitution of Ireland and relevant

legislation and delegated legisla-

tion, has total discretion in im-

migration matters. In contrast to

the United Kingdom no system of

immigration appeals/tribunals



exists in Ireland.

It should be noted that all aliens

who intend to land in Ireland and

who are citizens of States that are

not listed in the Sixth Schedule of

Statutory Instrument No. 128/75

(mainly middle Eastern and non-

Western States) must obtain a visa

before travelling.

* Roderick Bourke practises with Eugene F.

Collins & Son; Fiona Daly works


McCartan & Hogan






M. Ansell, M.A.,

98 The Broadway,

Heme Bay,

Kent CT6 8EY,


Tel. (03 0 2 2 7 3) 6 7 9 29 (24 Hours)