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J U L Y / A UGU ST 1 9 88

FOR SALE: Long standing solicitors prac-

tice in Co. Offaly. Figures available. Lease

of existing building optional to purchaser.

For further particulars apply: J. A. Shaw &

Co., Solicitors, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.


SALE. Details from Patrick J. Durcan & Co.,

Solicitors, Westport, Co. Mayo. Tel. (098)


DUBLIN SOLICITORS wish to amalgamate

with or take over practice of solicitor con-

templating retirement. Box: No. 61.

Adm i n i s t r a t i on

o f Es t a t es

In the administration of the Estate of Mrs.

Jane Doran Letitia Gorman. Any person hav-

ing any claim or any descendant of the

above, please contact Actons, Kingram

House, Kingram Place, Dublin 2.

Landlord and

Tenant (Ground

Rents) Acts

1 9 6 7 - 1 9 84

In the matter of the Landlord and Tenant

(Ground Rents) Acts 1 9 6 7 - 1 9 8 4, Nancy

Irvine, Applicant; Saunders Estate,


WHEREAS the Applicant has applied to

me for an Order declaring that she is entitled

to acquire the Fee Simple Interest in All That

and Those the Licensed Premises situate

Street, Borrisokane, in the Townland of

Shesheraghmore, Barony of Lower Ormond

and County of Tipperary, now and for

upwards of Forty (40) years last in the

occupation of the Applicant and her

Predecessors in Title under a Contract of

Tenancy from the Saunders Estate and for

such further or other Order, as maybe

necessary in the matter, I, HEREBY GIVE

NOTICE that I will sit in the Courthouse,

Nenagh, on the 29th day of September,

1988, at 11,30a.m. to hear said Application

and any submissions by any interested

Parties in relation thereto.


County Registrar.

Emp l o yme nt

APPRENTICE required for Dublin 2 firm.

Please reply to Box No. 60.

B I NCHY& PARTNERS, Solicitors, 38/39

Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2, require an

Assistant Solicitor with probate and con-

veyancing experience. Reply in confidence

to the above (Ref: TMcG).


young bright hardworking solicitor. Ability

to work on own initiative essential. Replies

to Box No. 62.


18 miles from Dublin, requires bright

hardworking solicitor for litigation and

general work. Minimum 2 years experience.

Apply with C.V. to Box No. 63.



14 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.



CONTACT US NOW AT 01-610773/610448

Change of

Address/Pract ice

PLEASE NOTE that as and from Monday,

6th June, 1988, Michael Reynolds, Solicitor,

shall be practising under the new title of

Michael Reynolds & Co., Solicitors. Their new

address shall be 201 North Circular Road

(basement), Dublin 7, Tel. No. 388313.

MR. M I CHAEL MART I N, Solicitor, who

carried on business under the firm name of

Michael Martin, Solicitors, at St. Andrew's

House, 28/30 Exchequer Street, Dublin 2,

intimates that with effect from the 31st

March, 1988, the partnership between

himself, Mr. John Wood and Mr. Gerald

Kean, has been dissolved.

Mr. Martin intimates that he is continuing

practice as a sole practitioner with effect

from the 1st April, 1988 at St. Andrew's

House, 28/30 Exchequer Street, Dublin 2,

Telephone (01)71 5575, and at Main Street,

Rathcoole, Co. Dublin, Telephone (01) 580380.

Mr. Kean is continuing as a sole

practitioner at St. Andrew's House, 28/30

Exchequer Street, Dublin 2, Telephone (01)

715544 and 715107.

Lost Wi l ls

SHERRY, Kathleen, late of 8 Brownley

Street, Chorley, and High Street, Graigue-

namanagh, Co. Kilkenny. Will any person

having knowledge of a Will for the above

deceased please contact Messrs. John M.

Foley & Co., Solicitors, Bagenalstown, Co.


BROPHY, Maureen, deceased, late of

Rosecot, Brennanstown Road, Cabinteely,

Co. Dublin. Will anyone knowing of a Will

of the above named deceased who died on

25th November, 1987, please contact

Augustus Cullen & Son, Solicitors, 7

Wentworth Place, Wicklow. Telephone

number (0404) 67412.

MORAN, James P., deceased, late of 46

Lakeshore Drive, Renmore, County Galway.

Will anyone having knowledge of the where-

abouts of a Will of the above named

deceased who died on the 24th May, 1988,

please contact Timothy J. C. O'Keeffe &

Co., Solicitors. Abbey Street, Roscommon,

County Roscommon. Telephone (0903)


Mc KAY, Geraldine, otherwise Catherine

Geraldine, deceased, late of 51 Fassaugh

Road, Cabra, Dublin and Holycross, Thurles,

Co. Tipperary. Date of death, June, 1988.

Information pertaining to the affairs of the

deceased, or the making of a Will by the

deceased, is sought by the next of kin. Will

anyone having such information please

contact Anne B. Rowland & Co., 1 7 Upper

Ormond Quay, Dublin 7.

COLE, Josephine, deceased, late of 27

Monck Place, Phibsboro, Dublin 7. Will

anyone having knowledge of the where-

abouts of a Will of the above named

deceased who died on the 22nd December,

1987, please contact Messrs. Patrick G.

Colfer & Company, Solicitors, Unit 46A,

Donaghmede Shopping Centre, Dublin 13.

FLYNN, J ames ( o t h e r w i se Pa t r i ck

James), deceased, late of 3 Duffcarrick,

Ardmore, Co. Waterford. Will anyone having

knowledge of the whereabouts of the Will

of the abovenamed deceased who died on

12th April, 1988, please contact Caroline

Bowen Walsh, Solicitor, 19 Washington

Street, Cork, Tel. (021) 277330.

w l t a h f t u n

Ministry of Works, Power & Water

The Ministry of Works. Power & Water, State of Bahrain (Arabian Gulf) is responsible for

electricity, water supply, drainage and sewerage, roads and various types of public building

projects. A small highly professional team has been established as the Central Planning Unit

in the office of the Minister to coordinate plans and to design systems to monitor

implementation and associated activities within these areas.

The Unit has the following vacancy:

Legal Adviser:

c. US$39,000* per annum. Tax Free.

An experienced Barrister or Solicitor to be responsible for legal aspects of the Central

Planning Unit's functions. These include provision of opinions and advice and drafting

proposed legislation, contractual terms and internal procedural documentation.

The successful applicant should hold a good Degree, with between 5 and 10 years experience

of a general and commercial nature. Experience in the legal aspects of the Construction

Industry and/or public authorities would be an asset.

The initial married (or bachelor) status contracts arc for 2 years, renewable by mutual

agreement. The starting salary, paid in Bahrain Dinars will be negotiated depending on

overall suitability. Benefits include free air-conditioned accommodation, allowances for

settling-in, car and children's education, annual leave with paid family passage to home

location, medical care etc.

Bahrain, an independent nation connected to the Arabian mainland by a causeway,

is a commercial, leisure and banking centre for the Arabian Gulf area, with a large

community of Western and Eastern expatriates enjoying a high standard of living.

The country's advanced medical services, excellent educational facilities, varied

sports activities, top restaurants and hotels, traditional and cultural aspects provide

a rewarding lifestyle for the discriminating resident.

Suitably qualified and experienced candidates are requested to send their personal and career

details, quoting ref. no. P-5/6-I to:

Chief Recruitment & Placement, Civil Service Bureau

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