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The Federal Republic of Germany,

Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands

and the United Kingdom.

The President of the High Court

1st June, 1988.

Air Navigation and

Transport Ac t, 1988.

This Act was s i gned by t he

President on 22 June, 1988.

The legislation promotes the en-

forcement of civil aviation security,

incorporates the Protocols wh i ch

amend the strict liability and limi-

tation of damages system of the

Warsaw Convention for Interna-

tional Air Transport and includes

miscellaneous provisions for the

Government Department and com-

mercial enterprises involved w i t h

Civil Aviation.

The Act includes the Protocols in

its schedules and is available at the

Go v e r nme nt Pub l i ca t i ons Sale

Office for £2 . 20 plus postage. Q

App l i cat i ons to the

Master of the Hi gh Court

in Infant cases for

payment out.

To avoid the situation where the

expenses allowed on application

are not sufficient to cover the

applicant's outlays the Litigation

C o mm i t t ee r e c omme n ds t h a t

solicitors should bring their outlays

to the notice of the Master before

costs are fixed.


Ju ry Actions

The Courts Act 1988 has abolished

the right to trial w i t h a Jury in

certain actions claiming damages

for personal injuries to a person or

the death of a person: the Act came

into operation on 1st August 1988.

Practitoners are requested to

inform the Chief Registrar, Four

Courts, Dublin 7 of the list numbers

of actions wh i ch will continue to be

entitled to trial w i t h a Jury having

regard to the provisions of the

Courts Act, 1988.

Practice Direction

Wi th e f f ect f r om 1st August 1988,

Personal Injuries actions and Fatal

Injuries actions wh i ch are not

entitled to trial w i t h a jury may be

set d own for trial by a judge alone

at any of the following coun ty

venues - Cork, Limerick, Galway,

Sligo, Dundalk, Kilkenny w i t hout

prior applications to the Court.

Jury actions may not be set

d own for trial at the aforemen-

tioned venues w i t hout an order of

the Court.

Personal Injuries Actions and

Fatal Injuries Actions already set

d own for trial w i t h a jury at the

aforementioned venues will be tried

at the respective venues by a judge


Court Stamp i ng

Mach i nes

The Technology Commi t t ee has

arranged for a number of franking

machines for court stamps to be

supplied to the profession, subject

to Department of Justice licencing

at a price of £ 7 5 0 . 00 plus Value

Added Tax at 2 5%. There is an

additional charge of £125 . 00 per

annum, payable to the Department

of Justice for inspection fees.

The ma i n t e n a n ce cha r ge is

£ 7 2 . 00 per annum, wh i ch covers

all parts, labour, warranty and free

replacement of the machine by the

suplier in the event of a total failure.

For futher information please

contact Mr. Oliver Flynn, Sales

Manager, Pitney Bowes Ireland

Limited, Parkmore Industrial Estate,

Long Mi le Road, Du b l in 12

(telephone 5 0 2 2 5 2 / 5 6 2 7 3 3 ).

Payment of Deposits

Further Warning

In the a f t e rma th of the Supreme

Court decision in the case of


-v- Pei/ow

t he Co n v e y a n c i ng

Committee strongly recommended

steps that should be taken by a

purchaser's solicitor in order to

p r o t e ct t he mon i es (including

deposits and stage payments) of a

new house buyer against t he

adverse c on s equen c es of t he

vendor c omp a ny g e t t i ng i n to

f i n a n c i al d i f f i c u l t i es p r i or t o

completion. These steps included

t he mak i ng of a p r e - con t r act

Companies Office search against

the vendor company and the insis-

tence, where possible, that the

purchaser's monies be held by the

vendor's solicitor as stakeholder

pending completion.

The Commi t t ee has now been

made aware that a large firm of

builders is still insisting that monies

paid under the Building Agreement

be released to t h em prior to

completion. The Committee recom-

mends that solicitors acting for

purchasers of new houses strong-

ly resist this practice and insist that

all monies be held by the vendor's

solicitor as stakeholder pending


If the vendor company insists on

monies being paid directly to it

either by way of deposit or stage

payment, the purchaser's solicitor

must fully advise his client of the

possible risks of the monies being

lost in the event of the vendor

company getting into financial

difficulties. If the purchaser is

willing to proceed on the basis that

monies will be paid to the vendor

company directly, the purchaser's

solicitor should set out his advices

in wr i t i ng to the purchaser prior to

the execution of the contracts and

prior to the payment of any monies

to the vendor company.






M. Ansell, M.A.,

98 The Broadway,

Harna Bay,

Kant CT6 8EY,


Tel. (03 02273) 67929 (24 Hours)