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I refer to your letter of 16 June,

1988, conce r n i ng VAT visits. This

may be an oppo r t une occas i on to

put on record for the information of

t he Society and its membe rs t he

general policy in relation to these


For normal visits involving an

examination of business records,

the usual notice is approximately

t w o weeks. In cases whe re t he re-

gistered person fails repeatedly to

co-operate by being on hand to pro-

duce t he records and answer ques-

tions, t he Inspector reserves t he

right to call w i t h o ut notice.

Persons w h o apply for registra-

t i on can expect a visit f r om an

Inspector to verify t he accuracy

and authenticity of their application

for registration. In these cases in-

spec t i on of records does not arise

(in many cases records do not

exist) and t he purpose of t he visit

is merely to verify t hat t he taxable

person exists and to obtain some

b a s ic i n f o r m a t i on a b o u t t h e

business. It is not cons i de r ed

necessary to give t w o weeks notice

of such calls and in any event to do

so could give rise to undue delay in

cases where registration is required


Visits are also made to cross

c h e ck invoices issued by one

taxable person to another. These

chec ks usually involve only one or

t w o invoices and t hey normally

take approximately fifteen minutes.

It is not possible to give notice of

these calls since t he chec ks relate

t o the au t hen t i c i ty of t he invoice(s)

issued by t he first taxable person.

On arrival t he Inspector should

indicate t hat she/he w i s hes to

verify a limited number of invoices

and is not carrying out a comp r e-

hensive check of business records.

If such a call is made at an incon-

venient time, Inspectors are under

i ns t r uc t i ons to make an appoint-

ment if requested to do so by t he

taxpayer. In these cases the oppor-

tunity is usually taken at the agreed

date t o carry out a full audit of t he

business so t hat visiting resources

are used efficiently.

I hope t hat this explains bo th t he

general position as well as t he

bac kg r ound to t he particular case

wh i ch you brought to my notice.

Yours sincerely,


Ass i s t ant Secretary,

VAT & Capital Taxes.

2 24