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Younger Members News

Sa l a ry i nc r ease f o r new ly

qua l i f i ed s o l i c i t o rs

The Younger Members Committee

is pleased to report that the Motion

proposed by the Committee for an

increase in the r ecommended

salary payable to newly qualified

solicitors to £10,000 - £11,000

was adopted unanimously by the

Council of the Law Society on 8th

September, 1988.

Hu ge p r og r ess in mo ve t o

en t er UK ma r k et

The YMC has been pressing for an

open door to London and our

Council has endorsed the following

proposal submitted by a Joint

Wo r k i ng Party of t he home

jurisdictions (Northern Ireland, UK,

Scotland, Wales, Ireland):

" t hat a solicitor qualified as such

in any one of the jurisdictions

can qualify in another of those

jurisdictions without undergoing

an examination or aptitude test

but in turn that the migrating

solicitor would have a restricted

Practising Certificate for a period

of not less than t wo and not

more than three years during

wh i ch time he would carry out

in the host jurisdiction work of

a type normally carried out by a

solicitor in that jurisdiction. The

restriction in his Practising

Certificate would be to the

effect that he could not carry on

business as a sole practitioner

nor could he carry on business

as a partner in a solicitor's firm

unless his partner or one of his

partners was qualified and in

practice for three years or longer

in the host jurisdiction."

Younger Members Com-

mi t tee " M i l l e n n i um"

Soccer Bl i tz

Sa t u r day, 3 r d Sep t embe r,


Despite the fact that the number of

teams was down on last year's, the

Younger Members Committee ran

another successful fund raising

event for the Solicitors' Benevolent

Association. The teams involved in

this year's event were:

A r t hur Cox & Co . /Ma t heson

Ormsby & Prentice;

John P. Carroll & Company;

Croskerrys (the holders);

The Chairmans Team (i.e. the extended family of Justin McKenna);

Ivor Fitzpatrick & Co.;

Michael Fitzsimons & Co.;

Wm. Fry & Sons;

McCann Fitzgerald Sutton Dudley;


Even though the scoreboard keeper, Brian O'Connor, slept it out, was

late w i th the whistles and forgot the balls, the first games kicked off at

around 1.30p.m.

We split the teams into t wo groups so that for the semi-finals the

winner of one group would play the runner-up of the other. After a

splendid display of soccer skills, which demonstrated already how the

creditable Irish performance in the European Championships had

influenced those " y o u n g" enthusiasts, the semi-finalists emerged. These


Wicklow -v- John P. Carroll & Co.

Croskerry -v- Arthur Cox & Co./Matheson Ormsby & Prentice

John P. Carroll & Company were the narrow winnners of their semi-

final while, after penalties, the combined forces of Arthur Cox &

Co./Matheson Ormsby & Prentice went down to Croskerrys.

As the final progressed it became apparent that either the day's

strenuous activity had taken its toll on weary limbs or that some players

had spent too long in the bar (discussing tactics). Even after extra time

the sides were level. It was down to penalties. The three girls on each

team would take penalties against the opposition goalkeeper. After the

first round of penalties the score remained tied at 2-2 . . . more penalties

4-4 . . . more penalties . . . 7-7 . . . more . . . the match officials were

running out of fingers on which to count. Referee J. J. Cummins, offered

to take off his boots and one of the unfortunate girls had a penalty saved

by a desperate lunging dive from J. P. Carroll & Company's goalkeeper,

who once togged out beside J. J. after a match and was very familiar

w i th what was inside his boots! ! !

The match and the competition was won 17-16 by John P. Carroll & Co.

The day's sporting endeavour was rounded off by a disco in the

members lounge at which the winning captain, John McCarthy, bought

drinks for all present (Bill is to send his tab on to him). The day raised

a net total of £500 . 00 approximately for the Solicitors' Benevolent

Association. Thanks to all who played in the competition and particularly

to YMC members who helped organise the event — Miriam Reynolds,

Patricia Boyd, Dan Murphy, Brian O'Connor and Chairman, Justin



John Larkin (YMC) (left), presenting the Winner's Cup to John McCar-

thy, John P. Carroll & Co.

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